Tuesday, February 12, 2013

ผัดกระดูกหมูออ่น 4 รส - 4 seasons Twice Cook Baby Back Ribs

     Again, I like to make experiment with foods and changing recipe around and made into different food and taste. I'm not a great cook as my sister is, but I can cook just the way that my family like them.  I'm more in low cholesterol food type. Many years back I came up with this recipe. It is not as low in cholesterol but it's not as too high in cholesterol neither. This is also one of your guys favorite dish, so I wanted to post up this recipe for you to keep.

( * Most of the food I cook I never measure, just sight measurement).
*You don't have to use a ribs, grilled chicken or you left over bake chicken can also be substituted, just chopped them into bit size. I also have try grilled steak with this recipe, and it turn out great. Any left over meat such as left over turkey from holiday meal work great as well.  I don't very care for pork much as much, maybe once every 3-4 months or so I might cook some ribs, only if my husband ask for it.
 Baby back ribs, chopped into 1 inch size, amount is according to your desire.
 * cooking oil for fry the ribs
 * 1/4 cup of chopped green onion
 * 1/4 cup of coriander
 * 1 Tbsp. Sesame seed: * or handful if desird.
 * 4 cloves of minced garlic
 * 2 thin slice ginger, chopped
 * 1 tsp. of palm sugar or brown sugar
 * 1 tsp spoon of fresh lemon juice
 * 1 tsp of roasted ground peppers
 * 1 1/2-2 Tbsp. of oyster sauce
 * 1 tsp. of sweet dark soy sauce
 * Black pepper
 * Fish salt just a dash

  1. Heat up wok with cooking on, fry ribs half at a time till golden brown or meat is cook. Remove from oil   and set aside. Finish cook all the meats.
  2. Drain out oil from wok leave just a little on it for stir fry.
  3. Turn stove on medium low heat, add garlic and ginger saute till soft, into that add in all sauces & season except lemon juice, sesame seeds, green onion & coriander.
  4. Add 1 Tbsp of water to you sauce stir quickly let it cook for few second, taste to see what else that you need. The sauce should has sweet, spicy and little salty. ** Don't cook the sauce too long other wise it will dry up.
  5. Into that pour in cooked ribs and mix it well together with sauce, then add green onion, coriander, sesame seeds and turn off stove add lemon juice and quickly stir.

Serve with rice & salad. It great together with sticky rice and different dishes. ~♥~

 ** Any time when add lemon juice to your food it is best to turn of heat other wise hot heat will cause the lemon juice to have little bitter taste to the food that you cook. That why most Asian will always add lemon last to the food we cook. :-) Hope that you will enjoy this recipe


                                                  This time I ate with slice cucumber and apple
I like to learned of the foods that I ate so I'll knowing how to provide what is right for my family for the better of their health.  And this I'll leave for you, and hope that in your life you three will learn to play more attention to the food that you eat.  Some fruits and vegetable may have bitter tasted but it is load with benefits that your body need.  God created for us all kind of herbs, fruits and vegetables that contain nature source of minerals and vitamins.  
For instant, a quarter cup of sesame seeds has 351 mg calcium, and are delicious when sprinkled on chicken, fish, salads or just by the handful.

** Quick roasted the sesame seeds in the skillet till light brown, storage in container when it is cool, doesn't need to be  refrigerate   

What are the Benefits of Sesame seeds?
  1. Celicious, crunchy sesame seeds are widely considered healthful foods. 100 g of seeds provide 573 calories. Although, much of its calorie comes from fats, sesame contains several notable health-benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for wellness. 
   2. The seeds are especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, which comprise up to 50% fatty acids in them. Oleic acid hekps to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet which is rich in mono_unsaturated fats help to prevent coronary artery disease and stroke by g healthy lipid profile.
3. The seeds are an also very valuable source of dietary proteins with fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 18 g of protein (32% of daily-recommended values).
4. In addition, sesame seeds contain health benefiting compounds usch as sesamol (3, 4 methylene-dioxphenol), sesaminol, furyl-methanthiol, guajacol (2-methoxyphenol), phenylethanthiol and furaneol, vinylguacol and decadienal. Sesamol and sesaminol are hpenolic anti-oxidants. Together, these compounds help stave off harmful free radicals from the human body. 
5. Sesame is among the seeds rich in quality vitamins and minerals. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and riboflavin.
6. 100 g of sesame contains 97 µg of folic acid, about 25% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given to expectant mothers during the periconception period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
7. Niacin is another B-complex vitamin found abundantly in sesame. About 4.5 mg or 28% of daily-required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.
8. The seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc. magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sesame seeds. Many of these minerals have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production, as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.
Just a hand full of sesame a day provides enough recommended levels of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and protein.

 Father, I give thank to you for every created ideas that you put in our head to able us to invent and created many different things, which help improve our life. Thankyou for all the nature source of minerals and vitamine that help build our body healthy and better benefits to our life. I give You all the glory with my grateful heart to You who created all things. In Jesus name I pray

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