Sunday, January 27, 2013

50 Today

    Today is your dad birthday, you boys are working, and didn't get to have lunch with us. Any way your dad turns 50 today...boy! I knew that he feels very old...being fifty is not bad'll grain more It seem likes not long ago when we were younger, but time just fly so quickly. That why I felt that we should not wait our precious time away and not doing anythingood  for our life and the the life that around us. Every minute is important so make it wise used for the benefit of yourself and to leave behind a precious memories when life come to the end. I loved all of my family..including my in-law..I loved them all, for they are wonderful people. We might not spent a lot of time together, because we all have our own busy schedule with work and kids.  
     Yesterday we went to eat at his mom's house. She wanted to cook him some lunch for his birthday. Many of his family didn't show up cause they were sick with We have some good lunch. they made beef salad, BBQ chicken and pork...and  green chicken curry with sticky rice. I didn't get chance to take the picture of the food, we didn't very prepare cause we still working, but I have a picture of him blowing his birthday cake...He feel very funny  and embarrassed to blow a cake..Oh well, we missed you boys yesterday...But I have one picture for you to keep as memory when we are no longer with you all.  This is our love from us to you and we hope that three of you will keep and treasure its.
Happy Birthday dear..

golf after ward..but this pictures were taken last summer..

Last ride on your moto cycle....

Today lunch; grilled chicken with apple and mushroom sauce, Spanish rice, boil collars green, salad and apple
We loved collard green, 1 cup of boiled collard green has 266 mg of calcium.

Apple and Mushroom sauce recipe
Pan grilled your season chicken in 1 Tbsp. of sunflower oil till chicken fully cooked. Removed from pan, dump of any access grease from the pan and leave just 1 Tbsp of grease onto pan. Into that pan add 1/2 apple chopped and sliced mushroom according to you desired and let saute and cook in that grease. Dash of Season with sea salt, black pepper and 1/2 tsp of chicken bouillon, 1/2 tsp of brown sugar stir together and add 1 cup or so of water. If you have chicken broil you can use it and omit the chicken bouillon. This is light sauce no flour.
Benefits of Mushrooms
Mushrooms themselves provide you with lean proteins as they have zero cholesterol, fats and very low carbohydrates. The fiber and certain enzymes in them also help lower cholesterol level. Moreover, the high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when when they are digested.
Mushrooms is very effective in preventing Breast Cancer & Prostrate Cancer due to presence of Beta-Glucans and conjugated Linoleic Acid having anti carcinogenic effects. Out of these two, linoleic acid is particularly helpful in suppressing effects of estrogen is the prime reason for breast cancer in women after menopause. The Beta-glucans on the other hand, inhibit growth of cancerous cells in cases of prostrate cancer. Selenium in mushrooms is very effective in inhibiting cancerous cells.
 Mushrooms also boosting up immunity and it also help with weight lost
There are 8 types of mushrooms that you can read on this site.

Lord, I thank for special day as today. Thank you that we still have life in us today to celebrate you great creation in Suchol's life. I am grateful and thankful for him, even their are times that he gives me a bad headache...hehe!! But in your time, your season life changing in all of us. Forgive me also, for I am too, gave him some bad headache as  I do appreciate very trial and circumstances that we go in life together, for it is became our school master. Thank you for your loving kindness and forgiveness that You shew in my life. Last that I pray that You will keep my other half in good health and that "Let there be Light in him". I love You Lord...Thank You heavenly Father in Jesus Mighty great name I pray 

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