Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013 Blessing

     Have not been on blog for sometime now.  After our holiday, we got so busy with our work and Wadee got me start on Korean drama since it has been raining for this couple few favorite Korean series is "the moon that embraces the sun". It's back in time drama and it's sad love story but happy ending. There is no bad scene or cursing in it and that's one thing I like about this drama.
We went on to visit my parent in Georgia for holiday and we had wonderful time with them. Yet, we didn't do much just chatted, ate and watched movies, but we had great time with new memory to added on to remember....Oh! I learned how to make jewelry. Mom made many beautiful jewelry for Wadee and me. Timm and her husband didn't get to go, they have to fly to Thailand  in urgent  due to the lost of his dad...  :-[  They both still over sea, Thom & Thay met us there in Georgia, and now they are home alone without their mom for the first time. They are older boys now and able to take care of them self.  There probably a lot of frozen food in the freezer.....

                                                            Todd and his dog, Nick.
It rain a lot from Marrianna, Florida all the way to Georgia , we got to see beautiful double rain bow in the sky somewhere past Tallahasee.  It was big rain bow run across the sky in front of us.  Have to see it with you own eyes,  this picture cannot compare to the real thing
Mom (grandma Lott) is making earring for Wadee 
This is sweet Num
Dad (grandpa Don in his computer room play game...hehehe

Me and my beautiful mom, we haven't wash our face yet :(
Handsome Nick in his santa clause suit...
The boys are bedding out in grandpa living room
Mobil, Alabama

   I hope and pray that you all will have a great and success of 2013, old things are pass away and let all thing that about to come into your life become great with prosperity, success in all spiritual and physical. Let lay down every pride in our life and put on the meek and humble spirit...a spirit of truth heart. A heart of love and forgiveness, heart of pray and sincere. I pray that every chain be broken off from all of us and that we will walk in the spirit of freedom. A freedom that Christ had given to us with knowledge and understanding, wisdom and truth. Last I pray that from this day on let there be Light in our life...
     Heavenly Father, I thank You for all that you have done for us. There're nothing that can be compare to You Lord. There no word can never be speak to show the appreciation in our heart enough for You greatest love toward us....thank you and thank you again , with all of my grateful heart to You, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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