Saturday, December 22, 2012

My first drawing

    Since it very cold outside today and it is getting close to christmas, I'm going to give myself a break and some free time to relax. I very enjoy my note book specialy writing and drawing. Finally i have one little skatching that I did. I love bird, all kind of birds even cartoon bird I like them too. Your grandma Lott & grandpa Don, they used to raised birds & their name are; Mai lucy & Mar ne sie.  First Grandpa brought a male and he name is , Mai lucy. He name start from grandpa asking grand mom "what do you want to call him ?"  Well, grandma replied back in Thai language by saying "mai lucy" which means, I don't know. Grandpa assume that's his name. Ever since then grandpa kept calling him,  mai lucy. A few month later grandpa went and brought a female bird, again grandma called the birds to come to her by saying, "ma ne sie," mean come here, grandpa like how it sound and so it became her name. They are a very smart and friendly birds. Grandma would let them out out of the cage and they would stay around us and sat on their shoulder. They hardly made any mass in the house, only in their cage. They are great pets and leave good memory in the deep of our heart. We very enjoy having those birds.

Here is another grateful heart to You oh Lord. I give You all the thanks and glory back unto You
I don't know how to turn the picture around in my note book, as for now you have to look side way...sorry

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