Sunday, May 12, 2013

My drawing

Have not gotten in my blog for a very long time, been very busy drawing almost every night. Here are my works. Hope that you'll enjoy them.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wadee's Big Day

       Today is Wadee first time going to Fredrick Art Center at Northwestern University Natchitoches, La. she is going to be playing the song "Concertino" on her violin in front of a judge for credited.  It's a Federation Of Music clubs String Festival. I knew that you didn't like the decision that I made for you, but you will when it it over.  I knew that you don't have confident in yourselves yet, but your teacher, Mrs. Kristine, and I do.  Confident doesn't come according to how long you play, but confident will comes after the first try out. You have to learn how to build up your confident.  By building up the confident in yourselves it has to start off some where and sometime in your life and we see that now the time is right and the place to start you up also comes with big opportunity for your feature. Yes of course you are scare, we all do, but when you pass the first stage it will get better. In each stage, your spirit will be building up with confident and the wall of fear will be stripping down layer by layer. I don't expected for you to receive the higher point in your first year try out. I wanted you to learn how to give your best and even you might have forget many notes, but that's okay at least you give it a try.  My main purpose is to teach you, train you and help you build up yourself for your feature in your life.  I know that when you get it over with it, you will look back with a smile as you have did with your first piano and voice recital. I remember when you were 7 years old, you have you first piano recital with your Yamaha group from Mrs. Aileen's class. I remember how afraid you are, and wouldn't wanted to go....will, you have conquer that fear and you did great, you finished it with big smile a happy face and a big experience for you.  You also reacted the same thing with your first voice recital, and you also come out with confident.  I watch you sing in front of many people and not once that your eyes would look down to the floor or up the ceiling  but instead your eyes looked straight right in to their eyes and you sung beautifully. dear child, confident start come in after the first try.  And I knew that this great fear also will pass when you walk out from that judge's room....
     Will...last night and this earlier morning you threw a bigggg fit by not wanted to go. You cry and cry, but you knew that there no way you can escape from have to face it soon or later.  Another fear to conquer my dear.  So, what happen to you  in that room? You enter into the building with a dragging of great fear spirit, but boy oh boy... You have left that fear in that room as you walked out with  happy heart and relief spirit   because of self confident enter in "I did it!!!!..... it is not as bad as I though it is hmm??"  Even though, some of the note may have slipped off  from your mind, but you did it. I sat  and watch you give your best and with joy in my heart knowing that you have conquer another fear. I asked you, now would you like to come back again next year?  You answer without any hesitate "Sure!" with big smile...Are you going to be in fear like this the next year? I asked. "Nope! it won't be like this"...with a bigggg smile.
     You see...fear will try to stop you from reaching you goal. Fear will try to take away the gift that God given to us. Fear will try to stop us facing the truth and if we allow fear to hold us back we will never reach our dream. Fear will take away our self confident in doing good.
     There're two type of fears; Godly fear and ...I called it a destiny can call it whatever you want to or it may have a name for it that I don't very know. A Godly fear is a good fear.  It is a reverence fear of the Lord.  When we have this fear of God we'll be afraid of doing any evil things, because we knew deep in our heart that God sees all things, there're not a things that can be hidden from His eyes even our heart and our thought. This fear will help us to recognize sins in our life, but to enter into sin or not is our choice. Wisdom and reverence fear of the Lord will guild us to make the right choice. A Destiny fear..why do I called it a destiny?   A Destiny Fear is a fear that tries to block us from reaching our goal of life. It'll try to stop our life from being successful in the gift. This fear wants to hold you back and keep you from being increase and successful  in life.  I hope that you will recognize them and separate it from right and wrong. Now, I don't want you to go conquer your fear from  walking in the dark alley all by yourself. This is unwise.  Fear has stopped me from doing many great things in my life that I was dreaming off. This is why I'm teaching and training you to learn how to face your own fears and do not let this destiny fear to conquer you, but you'll learn how to conquer this fear. Yes, God gives us life, but He gave us a free well to choose how to walk our own life..we hold our own destiny, by the choices that we make and take into our life. God will direct our step if we ask Him, then He will show us the way, but again it is our own choice to take it or not.  When we ask..He will give and when we take of it we're walking in obedient, but if we reject we walk with disobedient.  Disobedient will take us around the mountain and it will slow us down to reach our potential or right destiny.  And I hope and pray that you all will remember this and pass on to your children of what I leave behind for you three of learning how to conquer your fear and what fear is and what it does in your life.
     After the festival we when to play golf with dad at Toledo Bend golf resort. Late  that afternoon we received a great news that  you did not come out with new confident, but you came out with superior point.  You've receipted the highest over all points and you were recognized by the judge that you are gifted.. ★★★
Now, when you collect all 25 credit points you will receive a trophy and later  you maybe eligible to receive music scholarship to Northwestern University. This is what I would like for you to aim for your own goal in life. College is very expensive and I knew that we wouldn't be able to save up for your feature much. 
Well...... Wadee's big day had ended with a blessing and hope that you will always remember to recognize that this is a blessing from the Lord. "for every good gift comes from the above...the One who created the heaven and earth"   Never forget to give thanks to Him. 

In the practicing room while waiting to be call.
Still nervous are you??? 


It will pass.....

Time to's your turn......
"Salanghaeyo" - "I love you"
Come out with joyful spirit...change your cloth and went golfing with dad at Toledo Bend golf resort.

You said , "sorry mom for acting very ugly to you this morning and thank you for bring me you"

Dancing with joy.....

Oops, you missed...

Heavenly Father, we thank you for today and everyday.  We recognize your blessing in our life. I pray and ask that "Let there be light in our heart, mind soul and spirit." That we will walk with humanity, humble love and forgiveness in my sons and daughter, husband, mom, dad, brother and sister and my in-law and all of those you have put them into my path..Thank you Lord with all of my heart to You. In Jesus loving name I pray.  Amen...   :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

ผัดกระดูกหมูออ่น 4 รส - 4 seasons Twice Cook Baby Back Ribs

     Again, I like to make experiment with foods and changing recipe around and made into different food and taste. I'm not a great cook as my sister is, but I can cook just the way that my family like them.  I'm more in low cholesterol food type. Many years back I came up with this recipe. It is not as low in cholesterol but it's not as too high in cholesterol neither. This is also one of your guys favorite dish, so I wanted to post up this recipe for you to keep.

( * Most of the food I cook I never measure, just sight measurement).
*You don't have to use a ribs, grilled chicken or you left over bake chicken can also be substituted, just chopped them into bit size. I also have try grilled steak with this recipe, and it turn out great. Any left over meat such as left over turkey from holiday meal work great as well.  I don't very care for pork much as much, maybe once every 3-4 months or so I might cook some ribs, only if my husband ask for it.
 Baby back ribs, chopped into 1 inch size, amount is according to your desire.
 * cooking oil for fry the ribs
 * 1/4 cup of chopped green onion
 * 1/4 cup of coriander
 * 1 Tbsp. Sesame seed: * or handful if desird.
 * 4 cloves of minced garlic
 * 2 thin slice ginger, chopped
 * 1 tsp. of palm sugar or brown sugar
 * 1 tsp spoon of fresh lemon juice
 * 1 tsp of roasted ground peppers
 * 1 1/2-2 Tbsp. of oyster sauce
 * 1 tsp. of sweet dark soy sauce
 * Black pepper
 * Fish salt just a dash

  1. Heat up wok with cooking on, fry ribs half at a time till golden brown or meat is cook. Remove from oil   and set aside. Finish cook all the meats.
  2. Drain out oil from wok leave just a little on it for stir fry.
  3. Turn stove on medium low heat, add garlic and ginger saute till soft, into that add in all sauces & season except lemon juice, sesame seeds, green onion & coriander.
  4. Add 1 Tbsp of water to you sauce stir quickly let it cook for few second, taste to see what else that you need. The sauce should has sweet, spicy and little salty. ** Don't cook the sauce too long other wise it will dry up.
  5. Into that pour in cooked ribs and mix it well together with sauce, then add green onion, coriander, sesame seeds and turn off stove add lemon juice and quickly stir.

Serve with rice & salad. It great together with sticky rice and different dishes. ~♥~

 ** Any time when add lemon juice to your food it is best to turn of heat other wise hot heat will cause the lemon juice to have little bitter taste to the food that you cook. That why most Asian will always add lemon last to the food we cook. :-) Hope that you will enjoy this recipe


                                                  This time I ate with slice cucumber and apple
I like to learned of the foods that I ate so I'll knowing how to provide what is right for my family for the better of their health.  And this I'll leave for you, and hope that in your life you three will learn to play more attention to the food that you eat.  Some fruits and vegetable may have bitter tasted but it is load with benefits that your body need.  God created for us all kind of herbs, fruits and vegetables that contain nature source of minerals and vitamins.  
For instant, a quarter cup of sesame seeds has 351 mg calcium, and are delicious when sprinkled on chicken, fish, salads or just by the handful.

** Quick roasted the sesame seeds in the skillet till light brown, storage in container when it is cool, doesn't need to be  refrigerate   

What are the Benefits of Sesame seeds?
  1. Celicious, crunchy sesame seeds are widely considered healthful foods. 100 g of seeds provide 573 calories. Although, much of its calorie comes from fats, sesame contains several notable health-benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for wellness. 
   2. The seeds are especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, which comprise up to 50% fatty acids in them. Oleic acid hekps to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet which is rich in mono_unsaturated fats help to prevent coronary artery disease and stroke by g healthy lipid profile.
3. The seeds are an also very valuable source of dietary proteins with fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 18 g of protein (32% of daily-recommended values).
4. In addition, sesame seeds contain health benefiting compounds usch as sesamol (3, 4 methylene-dioxphenol), sesaminol, furyl-methanthiol, guajacol (2-methoxyphenol), phenylethanthiol and furaneol, vinylguacol and decadienal. Sesamol and sesaminol are hpenolic anti-oxidants. Together, these compounds help stave off harmful free radicals from the human body. 
5. Sesame is among the seeds rich in quality vitamins and minerals. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and riboflavin.
6. 100 g of sesame contains 97 µg of folic acid, about 25% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given to expectant mothers during the periconception period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
7. Niacin is another B-complex vitamin found abundantly in sesame. About 4.5 mg or 28% of daily-required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.
8. The seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc. magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sesame seeds. Many of these minerals have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production, as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.
Just a hand full of sesame a day provides enough recommended levels of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and protein.

 Father, I give thank to you for every created ideas that you put in our head to able us to invent and created many different things, which help improve our life. Thankyou for all the nature source of minerals and vitamine that help build our body healthy and better benefits to our life. I give You all the glory with my grateful heart to You who created all things. In Jesus name I pray

Sunday, January 27, 2013

50 Today

    Today is your dad birthday, you boys are working, and didn't get to have lunch with us. Any way your dad turns 50 today...boy! I knew that he feels very old...being fifty is not bad'll grain more It seem likes not long ago when we were younger, but time just fly so quickly. That why I felt that we should not wait our precious time away and not doing anythingood  for our life and the the life that around us. Every minute is important so make it wise used for the benefit of yourself and to leave behind a precious memories when life come to the end. I loved all of my family..including my in-law..I loved them all, for they are wonderful people. We might not spent a lot of time together, because we all have our own busy schedule with work and kids.  
     Yesterday we went to eat at his mom's house. She wanted to cook him some lunch for his birthday. Many of his family didn't show up cause they were sick with We have some good lunch. they made beef salad, BBQ chicken and pork...and  green chicken curry with sticky rice. I didn't get chance to take the picture of the food, we didn't very prepare cause we still working, but I have a picture of him blowing his birthday cake...He feel very funny  and embarrassed to blow a cake..Oh well, we missed you boys yesterday...But I have one picture for you to keep as memory when we are no longer with you all.  This is our love from us to you and we hope that three of you will keep and treasure its.
Happy Birthday dear..

golf after ward..but this pictures were taken last summer..

Last ride on your moto cycle....

Today lunch; grilled chicken with apple and mushroom sauce, Spanish rice, boil collars green, salad and apple
We loved collard green, 1 cup of boiled collard green has 266 mg of calcium.

Apple and Mushroom sauce recipe
Pan grilled your season chicken in 1 Tbsp. of sunflower oil till chicken fully cooked. Removed from pan, dump of any access grease from the pan and leave just 1 Tbsp of grease onto pan. Into that pan add 1/2 apple chopped and sliced mushroom according to you desired and let saute and cook in that grease. Dash of Season with sea salt, black pepper and 1/2 tsp of chicken bouillon, 1/2 tsp of brown sugar stir together and add 1 cup or so of water. If you have chicken broil you can use it and omit the chicken bouillon. This is light sauce no flour.
Benefits of Mushrooms
Mushrooms themselves provide you with lean proteins as they have zero cholesterol, fats and very low carbohydrates. The fiber and certain enzymes in them also help lower cholesterol level. Moreover, the high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when when they are digested.
Mushrooms is very effective in preventing Breast Cancer & Prostrate Cancer due to presence of Beta-Glucans and conjugated Linoleic Acid having anti carcinogenic effects. Out of these two, linoleic acid is particularly helpful in suppressing effects of estrogen is the prime reason for breast cancer in women after menopause. The Beta-glucans on the other hand, inhibit growth of cancerous cells in cases of prostrate cancer. Selenium in mushrooms is very effective in inhibiting cancerous cells.
 Mushrooms also boosting up immunity and it also help with weight lost
There are 8 types of mushrooms that you can read on this site.

Lord, I thank for special day as today. Thank you that we still have life in us today to celebrate you great creation in Suchol's life. I am grateful and thankful for him, even their are times that he gives me a bad headache...hehe!! But in your time, your season life changing in all of us. Forgive me also, for I am too, gave him some bad headache as  I do appreciate very trial and circumstances that we go in life together, for it is became our school master. Thank you for your loving kindness and forgiveness that You shew in my life. Last that I pray that You will keep my other half in good health and that "Let there be Light in him". I love You Lord...Thank You heavenly Father in Jesus Mighty great name I pray 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Coconut and Purple Potatoes Pancakes

This is also one of my recipe that I created. Your dad doesn't like plain pancake so I try different type of fruits and nuts, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes-that's he likes, even with peanut butter. Since our family like to eat coconut so I decided to add in coconut flake  into pancake mixture for quick and easy. It looks like one of Thai dessert, except different taste to the flour.
Start with 1 cup of milk or coconut milk
 some brown sugar (maybe 3-4 Tbsp) or honey
 Whisk it together and taste to see if it will have some of the sweet as you like. This type of pancake does serve with syrup. It is a pick and go pancake. 
After you got the sweetness that you desire, then into that add in 1 egg and whisk till blend in. *Do not taste you milk liquid after you add in raw egg. Don't recommended eating raw egg this day.  Then start with 1/2 cup pancake flour mixture first and stir, into that add in coconut flake, mix it well. If too liquid slowly add more pancake mixture to ticker it up as in the picture. * Optional, can add a drop of Jasmine flower extract or vanilla. Don't be afraid to make any experiment in your pancake mixture as you like, such as you can add in nut mate, cinnamon, banana, steam pumpkin, steam sweet potatoes, steam taro root or different fruits jam or jelly as you like.....This will enhanced and created your pancake with more nutritional benefit instead of just plain flour that only had just carbohydrate and as you know that carbohydrate break down into sugar and sugar goes straight down to your billy....Try to use less sugar, too sweet is bad for your health..with my concern...from me to you. I hope for all of you to have better health. If we don't take care of ourselves then who well???  

I fry my with a dash of coconut oil
My coconut pancake, it is softer texture. 

This is Ka Num Bar Binn similar to my coconut pancake, but it is much more tastier and the texture from the sticky rice flour give more sticky taste and crunchier because it's bake.

I leave you with this recipe also, just incase that you would like to try to do some experiment...
Ka Num Ba Binn
1/2 cup sticky rice flour
1/2 cup of scraped coconut flake from flesh coconut 
1 cup of coconut milk
start with 1/2 cup of brown sugar first or organic sugar
1/2 cup starch or แป้งท้าวยายม่อม
1 egg
1 tsp. Jasmine extract 
Mix together sticky rice flour, starch and flesh coconut flake, sugar and coconut milk together until the coconut mix it well. Tasted to see if it sweet enough for you before add in egg. **I don't care for too sweet, so I slowly add sugar little at a time. 
Place the flour mixture into pot and cook on low heat, vocationally stir until the flour cooked and thicken, but not cover cook 
grease baking pan, pour mixture into the pan and bake in 375 degree F for 20-25 min, or till golden brown

     Another of our favorite is the purple potatoes pancake with coconut. Same menu as coconut pancake except less pancake flour to have more of potatoes taste to it.  Steam purple potatoes and smash it or use a mixture. Don't need to be all smash, leave some chunk, than add in milk, brown sugar, egg and coconut flake if desired...etc...

Health Benefit of purple potatoes;

    Heavenly Father, I thank you for all of the good food and recipe that you place in our mind to invent or experiment new thing for ourselves and family to enjoy and for our good benefit. Healthy food build healthy body. Thank you for all of Your blessing, with all of my grateful heart to You. In Jesus Name I pray


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mom's Chicken Noodle Soup

   Tic tak..tic tak..Hmm...what should I cook for lunch today?  Since the weather is very cozy outside, soup is on my mind. But what kind of soup should I make.......many different soup flow in my head, but it just not what I really wanted..Everyday I have to think of what I'm going to cook for lunch and dinner.  Sometime it a last minute meal. Dad doesn't like to eat sandwiches or fast food.  He like real food..... Sometime it get to the point that I "can't think"..
     Ah ha!  Finally, Chicken noodle soup sound yummy for the weather as this since we all love noodle. It's simple and very easy for lunch : (
 This is my recipe to you and it is very simple to made, hope that you will enjoy....

1 chicken breast and 3 chicken thighs (if like dark meats)
1 small onion
2 stalks celery chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup of dice carrots
1 cup of green pea
1 cup of corn
1 cup of dice potatoes
3 fresh thyme spring
2 bay leaf
7 cups of water
1 Tbsp. of chicken bouillon
sea salt, black pepper
*1 tsp. of sugar optional
2 Tbsp. of butter or 1 Tbsp. of light olive oil

Place a soup pot over medium heat and coat with butter or olive oil.  Into that add the onion, garlic, celery  thyme and bay leaf.  Let it cook for a few minute, add the chicken breast and thighs stir. Let the chicken meat cook in with the butter and vegetable for just few minute. Pour in the water and turn up the heat on high and bring it to boil and turn down the heat to medium low. Add salt, black pepper and chicken bouillon and sugar and let it cook for at least 45-1 hour cover led with little opening . Remove the chicken from the pot and let it cool down then cut into smaller pieces.
In the soup pot, add in hand full of Canton Dry Noodle, corns, carrots and green peas and let the noodle cook.  Taste to adjust  to your desire, garnish with chopped onion and coriander.

       Canton Dry Noodle, this is the noodle that I used, sometime I make my own noodle, but this is quick and fast.

Slice oranges after meal.  This is orange from our own tree. Its make many oranges this year.
Orange have 40 benefits, I like to know and learn of what I'm putting into my body, you can read from this blog;

Dear Lord, I thank you for such delicious food and great oranges.  Thank you for the air that we breath and for the ground that we stand and thank you for the roof on top of our head.  Thank you for every little things in our life. I have nothing to complain about, but instead I appreciated every things in my life, good or bad, for they bring experiences into our life. Thank you Lord, with all of my grateful to You. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013 Blessing

     Have not been on blog for sometime now.  After our holiday, we got so busy with our work and Wadee got me start on Korean drama since it has been raining for this couple few favorite Korean series is "the moon that embraces the sun". It's back in time drama and it's sad love story but happy ending. There is no bad scene or cursing in it and that's one thing I like about this drama.
We went on to visit my parent in Georgia for holiday and we had wonderful time with them. Yet, we didn't do much just chatted, ate and watched movies, but we had great time with new memory to added on to remember....Oh! I learned how to make jewelry. Mom made many beautiful jewelry for Wadee and me. Timm and her husband didn't get to go, they have to fly to Thailand  in urgent  due to the lost of his dad...  :-[  They both still over sea, Thom & Thay met us there in Georgia, and now they are home alone without their mom for the first time. They are older boys now and able to take care of them self.  There probably a lot of frozen food in the freezer.....

                                                            Todd and his dog, Nick.
It rain a lot from Marrianna, Florida all the way to Georgia , we got to see beautiful double rain bow in the sky somewhere past Tallahasee.  It was big rain bow run across the sky in front of us.  Have to see it with you own eyes,  this picture cannot compare to the real thing
Mom (grandma Lott) is making earring for Wadee 
This is sweet Num
Dad (grandpa Don in his computer room play game...hehehe

Me and my beautiful mom, we haven't wash our face yet :(
Handsome Nick in his santa clause suit...
The boys are bedding out in grandpa living room
Mobil, Alabama

   I hope and pray that you all will have a great and success of 2013, old things are pass away and let all thing that about to come into your life become great with prosperity, success in all spiritual and physical. Let lay down every pride in our life and put on the meek and humble spirit...a spirit of truth heart. A heart of love and forgiveness, heart of pray and sincere. I pray that every chain be broken off from all of us and that we will walk in the spirit of freedom. A freedom that Christ had given to us with knowledge and understanding, wisdom and truth. Last I pray that from this day on let there be Light in our life...
     Heavenly Father, I thank You for all that you have done for us. There're nothing that can be compare to You Lord. There no word can never be speak to show the appreciation in our heart enough for You greatest love toward us....thank you and thank you again , with all of my grateful heart to You, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.