Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Farmer Girl

        There s a sense of smell that I never seem to forget and it doesn't matter how old I get, that smell still remain fresh at the tip of my nostril.   It had take root deep into my memory gland.  I still can see in my mind the big green field that flourish with rice in different colors according to it season.  I can see water all around the field with fishes swim in it.   The smell of rice in the fields surrounding us.   I saw kids taken their water buffalo to the pond for a bath.   Men and women are walking to the field early in the morning and return home late that evening.  The beautiful crimson colors of the sunset reflected on to the rice field and give that beautiful golden and orange touch to the grain of rice.  Birds are flying back to their nest; soon darkness began to cover the land.  The only light we have is from the moon and the stars above the sky.  There is no electricity any where can be find, then I began to see through the crack of the huts and the houses the little spark of candle light, or lamp lighting up in every home.  Light bugs are flying around in the dark.  Every door and windows are shut. 

   When evening fall, we all took a cold shower in the front of the opening patio.  The water that we used for shower is store in two big clay jars water storage which we called, oung, it about 3 ft tall.  There is no bathroom in the house, only bamboo jungle at day time and shovel and the earth at night time.   The floor of the house is made out of wood and there are many gaps and hole in it.  We can see almost every moving things under the house.  It’s very creepy in the middle of the night.   All of the floor in our house and many home were made like that, I guess the builder of the house could not find the matching wood, that is why there are so many gaps in the floor.  Big enough that I can slip my whole hand through it….LOL…. 

     Actually, this is what poor people can afford, but it is a home for us and it is a lot better than a hut that we used to lived in before it burn down, in which the roof and the wall are made out of shack.   Hut or house, we still place a pot or pale  in certain areas of the house when it rain, and pour it  into the oung when it full.  The water is used for many purpose.   We also have two extra huge 6ft high clay jars  which used for storage rain water when it flow down from the roof.  This is our drinking water.  Rain water has sweet taste to it.  My grandma would let the first rain clean the roof for while before she let it drain down into oung.
    Here I have a sample pictures that you can see and understand what I'm talking about.
                                                    This is oungs for storage water 
Oung comes in different sizes  depend on the size that you desire. The large one is  used to storage rain water for drinking
Every houses would have smaller oung next to the stair or step, this is used for cleaning  their foot before  go up the house. Oung are now used for many different purpose; to grow water plants decorative to the house..and so on....

     Everyday we have to fill our oung with water; by pitch up water with pales at the creek or pond.  We are lucky that we lived next to a river that ran across the property.  The river is 5-6  miles Long, it is not wide, but long and it is not too deep at the area where we live.  We use to swim in there all the time, my friends and I of course.  There will be a story that I will share about this river…For our drinking water is; rain water, and in a drought season, we would have to walk longgggg way to pitch water for the well. If I remember it correctly I believed that we have to walk almost 2 hours go and 2 hours back.  Some time if we meet up with people who has cow with pulling wagon, they would let us put our water pales on their wagon.  We farmer people, always help one another, and we share rice when we see our neighbor have nothing to eat, even thought we have to cut back eating certain amount of rice on our plate.  Grandma would always share and give our rice to the needed.  My uncle and aunt would get mad at her, but grandma would always   say, "That's ok child, give and it will be given back to you."  She is not greedy, her heart is big and riches than many people I know this day.  Even though there is not much rice left for us to eat, but we survive for God always provide, our rice container never went dry.    I thanks God for my wonderful grandma, and God rest her soul, for she have such a hard life all her life.
     Before I used to wonder, how can I still remember many-many of these memory, I were very very young.  Now I knew... Somehow I’m always appreciated of what I have, I believed that this is a gift that God places in my heart.  I appreciated of every little thing that I have and I treasure it in my memory and in the dept of my heart.   I never regretted of what I don’t have and I never jealous of what other people have, ever since I was small.  Another word, I don’t care what everyone else have, but I happy of what I have, but yet I’m not a lazy person.  I work for what I need with my own two hands and I don't depend and wait for other people to do it for me.  Many of my need always concerns you, my sons and daughter, never for my own desire. 
     My sister and I we always found the nature things that God created for us to play with.  We never have a doll or nice cloth or even nice shoes on our feet and most of the time we are bare footed.  My sister would take some kind of water lily pad and made into little doll for me to play, or otherwise she will draw me  a cut out paper doll then she design  a pretty cloth for it.  Oh!  How I treasure her drawing.  She is a nature artist.  We made all kinds of animals, people, fruits, …etc.  out of dirt clay that we dig it out.  We play cooking with dirt, white ashes and mixed it with water.  
      As you should know by now that we lived with my grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncle, while mom, which is your grandma Lott, had to go find work in the city to sent back home some money to feed all of us  I  remember  the hard work that my grandma did, working in the rice field for less than $4.00/month.    Can you imagine living on budget of less than $4.00 / month?  The main source of food we get is rice.  We brought rice, salt and sugar with the money we have, no meats or any other stuff on the side.   Yes, we work in the rice field, but the field do not belong to us.  Mom brought land for grandma before in order for us to cultivate and plant rice in our own field, but grandma lost it to people who take advantage of her because she cannot read and write…sadly how cruel people can be, cheating on the poor.   Every day we ate rice with wild vegetable in the field, fishes sometime grandpa caught, frog from the rice field, chicken snake that the people in our village  killed and they divided into same amount and past out to every house in the village, different bugs, and rice rat in certain season…it taste pretty good if you ask me, but you properly say “ ewe”.  It doesn't have any wild smell to it, because it eat only rice.  Now you cannot find any more of rice rat.  The field is polluted with all kind of chemical.  Some time grandpa didn't catch anything, grandma would go and get those green algae that growth in the pond, and she will clean it very good and make it into soup.  It still taste like grass, but we ate it anyway without complain.  There are 5-6 people living in our house, imagine sometime with 1 fish we all share, but we never complain.  I noticed that everyday grandma would eat only rice with hot sauce and vegetable, she will let us share the fish or the egg.  There are times that we have nothing to eat, grandma would get coconut, and there are a lot of it grow everywhere, She will scrape the coconut meat out and mixed it with rice and add sugar and a dash of salt to it, hmm!hmm!  It’s taste very good, like a dessert, and it kept us full for that day.
So this add one more to what I learn from all of life experiences;  I eat to live but not live to eat.  I’m not a picky person and I don’t have much of desire or craving for this food or that food.  I eat of what I have. I don’t complain about other people cooking, either good or bad, but instead I appreciate their share of what they cook.  I not a fat food liker.  My specialties, of course, are rice, egg, fish, tofu and vegetables….how inexpensive it is.  But as for my husband and sons, they are meat eater and for Wadee, is like mom like daughter.  She love fry tofu, stir-fry vegetable and fry eggs.  She said that one day she will become vegetarian when she get older.  That is great, as long as you know to eat 5 colors beans in order for you to get the right protein for your body.  
Wadee favorite food is stir fly vegetable with tofu, Ned loves lasagne, meat loaf and thai chicken with coconut soup. Boue loves noodle soup. 

The whole family love noodle soup that call Kotail, I will post this recipe up for you kids to learn how to cook when we away... 

Father, we thank you for all of the delicious foods that You bless us everyday.  There are never any day that goes by that I don't appreciated Your blessing in our life, with all my grateful heart to You.  
Thank You Lord in Jesus name I pray...With Love

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Season in the sand

                              "Another pictures to remember"

       Clear emerald green mixed blue water with sugar white sand, beautiful sunset reflected on the water, what a beautiful sight.  Destine, Florida is also one of the most famous places for sugar white sand, the Gulf of Mexico.  For many of years it became our most vacation place.  The smell of the fresh air, ocean breeze brought back a wonderful memory of my early years at Myrtle Beach, S.C.  Spent my times together with mom, dad and my sister, and our baby brother, we did BBQ picnic almost every weekend.   My sister and I we have lot of fun playing in the sand, wearing a swimsuit that my sister made for me.  It’s a cute flower bathing suit…lol,  We have crabbing season, oyster season – digging for oyster is fun - and yes fishing on the peer all night long.  We have so much fun.  The base housing is not too far away from the beach.  We loved there....not much picture to share old memory that we left behind.  There no digital camera like this day, only dad your grandpa Don Polaroid camera.

    Destine Florida is beautiful, it not too crowned, it mostly family beach.   We always stay at the same three story townhouse with the ocean is our back yard.   I loved to wake up early before sun rise and sat at the back patio drinking coffee looking at the beautiful ocean before the rising sun, while you are still sleeping.   Wadee and I we loved to go for walking and look for sea shell; maybe get lucky we might find some shark teeth.   I have found a lot of shark teeth in Myrtle Beach with my sister, but never in Destine.
     One thing I regret when we on our vacation is that I didn't get much picture taken.  Every vacation I find myself in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, breakfast, lunch and dinner.  “The next vacation, we are going to eat sandwich, fast food, order to go or restaurant..” This is what I always said in every vacation, but never accomplish...Lol...  Cooking became one of my habit, we find that home cooking is less expensive than eat out especially when we have a lot of teenager going along on our vacation.  These are some old pictures that we took, I lost a lot of beautiful picture due to computer crash-did take time to save it : (  
                                                    Destine, Florida 2010
These are collage students from Thailand came on working comp, to experience life outside Thailand. Except the 2 boys and the little girl, "Oh, that U!"  :D.  Where is me?  Holding the camera as always and where is dad?  Fishing!!!....

     If you remember, one vacation, my sister (your aunt) and her family and dad's family and our friends and their family went on the same vacation with us.  Wow!! I have a chef in the house.  My sister is an excellent cooker and plate decorator.  She doesn't serve her food on just regular plain plate, but she serve her dish and decorated with hand crave fruits and vegetable. This is her video and she also teaches how to crave fruits and vegetable on youtube


     She can turn fish into a very delicious four seasons fish; spicy, sweet, salty and sour sauce which poured on top of the fried fish that everyone love.  She can make lobster tail into a very expensive five star restaurant dish, a twice cook shrimp that every kids hands are all around the plate and completely gone in just minute..   Ah! don’t forget her stir fly crab.. hmm!!!..make your mouth watery, the more you eat you just never seem to get enough, plus delicious seafood soup.  Boy oh boy!  I wish that I have taken some picture of it, but too busy lending my helping hands cooking with her.   As soon as the food on the!!!  everyone is ready to dig in.  We all got bless...thank God for my sister delicious cooking, and time well giving to other...
     We went out for walk on the beach after eat for our exercise, watching the beautiful moon reflected on the dark blue ocean.  Kids run around with flash light try to catch little tiny sand crabs.  We enjoy eating, talking and laughing, swimming, shopping and fishing together that vacation... I may not have any picture left to share, but those picture remain deep in my memory of precious time spent...perhaps one day we all can go together again, this time I'll take picture of every moment of it... :)
          I did found one picture that I have left from group vacation, here it is....

From the left: Nanny, Wadee with one piece  Amanda and Shana or I loved to called her "Kai Mook" which mean Pearl.  They try recreate my sand mermaid that had been destroy over the night...
Here are some pictures from last place we went in Florida..

"magnificent views from all side"

"waiting and waiting patiently,,,, for you to feed meeee...."
It not just one bird, but there are three...birds.... waiting to steal your fish.

Wadee & Me
Pensacola Beach, Fl.
Boue, Fone, Sarm & Wadee
                                                      Boue and Ya, "We missed u Ned..."  : (

                          "wow!!!, beautiful, creative sand castle you are......   ; D "
              "please, just a little bet more mom, I'm having so much fun in the sand..."

  Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful white sand and magnificent view...the beauty of the nature that you created for us to enjoy....we have so much fun in the sun...with all of my grateful heart to YOU....

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Soup On"

     Hmm!!!  The smell of aroma in the air, a cinnamon, pickle spice, star anise, bay leaves, onion and garlic, you can taste it the air.   I saw your face when you enter into the house with eyes wide open and smile upon your face, “Noodle Soup tonight!!”  Ever since you are young this is your number one favorite food, a noodle babies…lol.
     Noodle is one of the most famous dishes in Asia.  In every corner of the street in our country, Thailand, you would always find noodle house restaurants everywhere.  There are many different kind of noodle soup.  But your favorite is regular rice noodle with beef and meant ball and add into that with spicy, sour, some sweet and little salt.  But to Jay, noodle soup cannot be complete without crushed peanut add into it, as same as I am.  We are the only two that love to eat peanut in the house. 
     I remember when we were young, noodle s soup in Thailand were only .04Cent a bowl with 3 meat ball in it, but now it about $1.50 or more in just a tiny bowl.  You have to order more than one bowl in order for you to be full.  You might thing, “Gosh!!,”  just $1.50, how cheap can she get?  To you $1.50 may seem nothing, but for Thai people it almost 30 bath and that is a lot of money for them.  I learned how to appreciate all the penny, nickel, dimes and quarter that drop all around the house, on the ground or on the parking lot at the shopping center that some may feel embarrassed to pick it up or just being over look.  Every little things can add up and when you add them up together, wow!!! They becomes a big number… It may took couple years, hey, in the years ahead it can be very precious and very useful.
      Since you love noodle soup so much and I’m not around to cook for you, so here I leave behind for you……”Noodle you own…”
      1.  1 packet of soup bone; beef, pork or turkey legs. 
      2.   Tender roast beef chuck cut in half, slice and marinate with oyster sauce 2-3 Tbsp, black      pepper and refrigerate until ready to cook .  The other half of the chuck is to be use for soup stock  with the soup bone.
     3.       1 large carrot or 2 small, cut into small pieces
     4.      1 large onion - cut (dice in pieces not to small)   
     5.      1 white radish root (cut into pieces)
     6.      3-4 cloves of garlic
     7.      1 large diced tomatoes
     8.      2-3 stems of cilantro root
     9.      4-5 star anise
    10.    1 tsp. pickle spice or all spice and 1 stick of cinnamon
    11.   3 chuck of palms sugar, or regular sugar, 3 Tbsp., or just taste as you desire.
    12.  Bag of meat ball (beef or pork)
In your large soup pot fill up more than ½ with water and bring it to boil.  Into that add all of the ingredients 1-10 into the pot and let it boil uncover.  When it boil add 1/2 cup of oyster sauce, 1 tsp. of chicken bouillon, 2 Tbsp. of  Dark sweet thick soy sauce (find in Asia market), add sugar and add a little of fish sauce at a time according to your taste .  Let it boil for few minute then cover and turn down heat on low and let it cook for 3 hours then add to that meat balls and allow meat balls to cook.
      1.      Fried chopped garlic from Asia store or make it yourself– 2 heads of garlic, peel and chop.  Cook the garlic in hot (light olive oil is the best), use about ½ c. of oil.  Cook until the garlic is light golden brown then removed from oil, but save the oil until the oil is cool down then you can pour the garlic back into the oil and save in container. This way it will prevent the garlic from being burn in hot oil.)
      2.    Fresh noodle (if use dry noodle – soak in warm water for 10-15 min and drain, set aside),
      3.      Fresh bean spouse
      4.      Chopped green onion and cilantro   
      5.      Remove out cook beef chuck in the soup and slice it and set it aside in bowl.
In another smaller pot, but large enough to place strainer into it, fill up with water and bring it to boil.  Place your noodle into the strainer and quick boil remove from water and place it into your bowl.  Quick boil your bean spouse as same as your noodle and pour it on top of your noodle.  Put the amount of sliced marinated beef in same strainer but this time boil it in the soup pot for few min and put in to your noodle bowl.  Add chopped green onion, cilantro and fry garlic with it oil.  Add soup stock to your bowl, now season your noodle soup with hot chili pepper, black pepper, lemon juice (vinegar can be replace if desire, but lemon juice is better), taste your soup to see if you need any salt if so add fish sauce into it and sugar if desire of little sweet. 
Dear Lord, we thank you for your blessing.  Thank you for all that you have done for us.  Thank you for your precious blood that you shade at Calvary.  Thank you for your mercy and great love that you shown to us.  With all my grateful heart to You heavenly Father, in Jesus I pray.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

From me to You

                                   “Just Have Some Faith”

     This is my journal that I wanted to leave behind for you (sons and daughter) hopefully that it would be inspire, encourage, uplifting your spirit and build you up in the Lord.  If you read this at the same time that I wrote, it may not seem much to be appreciated or you might feel like it another one of mom preaching. But, when we away, you will find this to be as special in the right time to comes.
      I loved you all the same, not one more nor less than other.  Being a middle child you might felt left out, but the truth is not so.  You have not seen the heart within.  You have not seen the tears that drop.  I, myself, have never seen my mom tears when she cries, but I do know now that they are many.  I appreciated all the hardship that her and her mom went through and every penny that they saved to keep all of us survive.  I appreciated every grain of rice’s that on our plate.  I thanks God for my whole family, never once would I trade for another and proudly to say that I’m glad to be born into in the farmer’s family and I thank God for my new family that is; my new dad and my brother.  This is my love for them and here is my love to you.  I cherish every moment about all of you in my heart from the day that you were born.  You were created unique and different in your own special way.   Sometime you maybe obedient and sometime disobedient, but I always came to understand of what you can comprehend and not comprehend according to your age, and how you see life.  One day you will come to understand and see life in the eyes of the parent as I have saw my life in the eyes of my patent.  We went through life and experiences life more than you and we still fail, as to this failure I regretted in that moment of time and in my closet I got down on my knee and cry to the Lord as I pray.   We always spent time together; I will go only to the places that you can go.   I only watch what you can watch, this example I leave within you.  You would always see me at home, either working in our nursery, cooking, cleaning and doing something around house.  My life are delicate to you without no regret nor ask for any return, but only to teach you how to appreciate every little things in life with honor, so that you all will grow up and be the truth person in heart as mighty men and mighty woman of God in your time to come.
     Please do remember this, when you get marry and the day that you decided to have a children, you life is not all about you, but it is to be committed and delicate for your family (wife, husband and children).  Delicate yourself to build up your children in the way that they should go when they are young and when they get older they will not depart from it.  Being a parent is a great responsibility, and it is a gift from above, because you are training up another life, how to see life, and be the person in heart, mind and soul.  First build yourselves up in good foundation in the Lord then you can build your children up in the good ground, as you are they living example in life.  That is to stay in the Word of God and raise up your family in church.  Learn to understand what truth love is so that the fruit of the spirit will fall upon you.  And the fruits of the Spirit are;  love, peace, joy, patience,gentle, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, forgiveness, righteous and wisdom, not selfish, gossiping, high minded and look down at people who are less fortunate than them and judge other people.  But be a kindred heart person with understanding and wisdom with the reverence fear of the Lord. 
      As you should already knew, that there is no secret under the sun.  Be truthful and righteous as you can and never think that you are better than other, for that is pride, but be humble.   Know this truth; don't ever think that you can hide a skeleton in your closet, "Whatever hidden in the darkness will be brought out into the light," as it always have been from the beginning of time."  Don't let the word “secret” fool your mind.  for there is no secret under the sun.  There is reaction in every action and it is always consequence to be pay. If you do good, good will follow you no matter what it will be manifest into light.  You might not see it in that instant time, and if you do evil, evil will stand at your door.  You can run but you can't hide from it.  It will creep up on you when you least unexpected.  As you have seen before how God reveals thing in our life.
     Life can be rough, heart breaking, devastating and depress, but don't let it tear you down.  "But fear not nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage (Joshua 10:25)."  In our life there are many seasons and there is a reason in every season.  There is a season for planting, season for growth, season for fertilize, season of harvest, season of prosper (more than enough to bless other) and there is also season of drought.  There also a season of joy and season of sadness, season of gain and season of lost,  there is a season of surrounded and there is also a season  in the desert.  You have seen all of these seasons in your youth life with us, but not quiet experience and learn how to handle all of these seasons out on your own, but these seasons will come to everyone life.
     Here I am, to let you know, “Have faith my child.” We have walked though together in many season of my life.  As you see I used the term of "My life," is because it is my journal of life and how I act and react with in all of this season which will bring effected into your life.  I can drown in my storm and bring disaster into my own home and you will be affected from it.  Though many seasons that we went through together, we still stand with strong faith because of Christ.
     We have season of plenty, our wheel is over flow.  Whatever we wanted we can afford and share with other.  There is season of heart breaking, but we don’t stay down, we get up and flight the good flight with faith and hope, believed and trust in the Lord.  There is season of dry out, economy down, landscaping stop moving and green went low, struggle to keep our business survive.  But, within this season I learn how to appreciated life more and more than ever, especially appreciated God and my family that is my mom, dad and the rest of my past family.   Through hard time God will always comes through for me no matter what.  He let me see life in most precious way.  I look at hard time as an opportunity for me to growth and to be strong of good courage in Him.  It became a school master that taught me how to teach you to have faith and learn how to survive.  Do you see that these seasons are like a pattern which goes around and around from generation to generation.  When my parent and their parent experienced it in their life, I don’t understand much how it feels and the great responsibility that they have to carry to keep the family survive, because I was a child.  What we go through here is not half of the hardship to what our parent and grandparent all went through.   
     Don’t let the love of money bring greedy to your life.  Yes, we needed money, yes we work and not to be lazy.  The Bible say that He will prosper the work of our hand.   I have seen and heard of the collapsed of the millionaire, lost all that they have, some learn how to survive by making homemade sandwich and sale them, and some give up life by thinking that the short way out is the answer, but didn't see all the problems that they left behind for their family/children to carry on.  The survived one, they make it in life with their family in less amount and value the little of what they have and they learn the value of life that money can not buy, that is loving one another.  Truth happiness is from with in that will last forever as your grandpa Don will always said.  Be a survival and never give up life for you will never going to see the sun.   Life is too precious.  There is never a short cut that considers to counting more and last.  Don't think that the wider gate is the way out, as the Scripture said, "Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby.. Matthew 7:13"...Learn how to trusted in God my child, and believed.
    I hope that this will encourage you when different seasons of your time come.  Remember this child; riches of money cannot be comparing to the riches of heart, for heart is what count most above all in human life.  I set an example for you how to give and to share and not be selfish.  Money is not the only thing to give, but love and time with a extension hand to the need and also understanding mind and forgiveness heart can be countable much more.  For God see the heart of men.  Don’t brag on the good things that you do, speak good of other and if there is nothing good to speak about them don't speak at all, as long as that person don’t committed into evil that will destroy other people life.  Don’t let gossip, cheat, liar, steal and high minded become one of your character, it is not the way of the Lord and it will bounce back to you no matter what.  For this will bring fall with consequences to be pay.  The world around you is composing of many like that, but as the same time there are also many good people out there, don’t judge people, but instead learn to observe people so you know who they are  and be careful who you are hanging around with, don't judge the book by it cover.  Learn how to acknowledge wisdom, for wisdom wills guild your life.  If you lack of wisdom, then ask God for the wisdom and learn of Him to the Word of God.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.. book of proverb is the book of wisdom.  You words are very important, use it wisely.  Don’t use it to tear people down, but instead build them up in doing good.  Inspire your friends to do good and what is right, don't inspire them of evil thing.  Don’t rejoice of the evil doing, for evil of what been done will strike you down without mercy, for there is the consequences of what been done will be pay, repent and turn away from it, so the merciful of God will be over you.   
     At last, learn how to encourage yourselves in the Lord.  Don’t wait for other people to encouraging you.  Sometime your friend might not be there for you or you might not be there for your friend for certain reason.  Sometime people might not be able to encourage you with the right word in your season of time.  People cannot read your mind and know exactly what kind of word do you need or what season are you in.  Don’t let that be offended and bring disappointment to you if they are not around to give you the right kind of words. Learn to have an understanding heart and stop putting blame on someone else, but instead examine yourself on the daily bases.  Judge yourself, your attitude, your action and your reaction of how you received things within.  Learn how to see life with great range of understand, forgive, faith and hope.  Your life only you can walk, and no one can walk for you.  I can preach or teach it to you, but the walk is your choice to take.  With hope and pray that you will choice life in the Lord direction.  I hope that this will encourage you to grow up to be a mighty men and a woman of God, being mature in physical and spiritual full of wisdom and understanding….” I like to leave you with a short pray…

     "Lord, no matter what dark clouds settle on my life, You will lift me above the                         
                                   storm and into the comfort of Your presence."


          "O Almighty God, from whom every good prayer comes, and who pours out on all who desire it the spirit of grace and supplication; delver us, when we draw near to you, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind; that with steadfast thoughts and kindled affections we may worship you in spirit and in truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
                                                                -William Bright (1824-1901)  

    That You will guild sons and daughter in their walk of their life and that you will lead them in your path of righteousness, so this is my pray of petition I bring to you.  Will all of my grateful to You oh Lord, in Jesus Name I pray

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why Snow Dove?

    I been thinking of what name I should use for my blog, came up with many, but it already have been used.  In my property there are many different kind of birds all around.  There is one special bird that I loved to watch.  Every day I heard them sing, they been coming and lived on the tree in our back yard.  They are pretty merely white dove.  Oh, how I loved to watch them, I threw some seeds for them, but our chicken always got to it
     As I were working in my Nursery, cold wind start blowing on my face, knowing that fall is around the corner and soon or later winter will follow.  We don’t often get much snow in down south.  For couple of years which past we have some little snow, just an inches or so , enough to take a picture.  I loved snow, but due to our work, it is best not to have too much of it.  It can damage our plants, if we don’t cover them fast enough in time. 
     When we first came to U.S., we stay at our step grandparent’s house in Roanoke, Virginia.  Their house is on the top of the slop of the hill.  It’s beautiful two stories house with the basement.   We came in December of 1976, a few day right before Christmas and a few day later it start to snow.  It snow all night.  I remember sat by the bedroom window and watch the snow fallen down.  I don’t want to go sleep, fear of missing out when morning come and the snow will melt.  Eventually I did felt to sleep by the window.  My sister woke me up the next morning with excitement expression on her face,  “there are so much snow outside, common let go!”  Omgosh!!!!  It didn’t melt!…..LOL.   We have so much fun and a lot of snow to play with.  I remember grandpa and dad were shoveling the snow out of the walkway and by the front door.  Grandma and mom were cooking breakfast in the kitchen.  
      Grandpa likes to watch birds, and I am too.  I loved bird and I loved to draw them.  I loved snow, and my favorite color is white.  “Whit as snow,” as the blood of Christ wash us clean, if you have that sort of experience you understand what it is mean to be wash in the blood of Christ.   That how it came to me “Snow dove.”  
          Father I thank you for every words that You would inspire me to write.   I pray that will touch heart and soul of those who inspire to read.  I thank you for the gift of beautiful life that you give us and every beauty of all the nature that You created for us and in many purpose and for reason.  With all of my grateful heart to You Lord. Thank You in Jesus name I pray.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October boy

                             Happy Birthday

        Today is your Birthday and here is my blessing to you;  I pray that The Lord will keep you and bless you and cause His face to shine up on you  and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you.  That your will delight yourselves unto to the Lord and his will gives you your heart desire.  That you will walk with reverence fear of the Lord for great wisdom that you will find in Him. May the Lord charge His angel over you to watch you, guild you and protect over you.  May you find truth happiness and success  in you life. Remember your brother and sister and don't forsake them, watch out for one another and love one another as I love you.

     When you face life circumstances and felt that life is unfair to you, I hope that you will remember this, that you are not alone.  There is nothing new under the sun.  If there no one to encourage you, learn how to encourage yourselves in the Lord.  Keep vision this in your mind that there are many people out there in this world lived their life in the worst situation than you are.  Be grateful  and thankful for your life for life is very precious.  Don't over look at little thing, if you can see a blessing in little thing, than you will see a bigger blessing in the larger thing.  Appreciated God giving life.  And last I pray that you will walk in the Fruit of the Sprite.  Let the Book of 1 Corinthians.   13: 4-8, rain over your heart.

     I pray that you will walk in success of what you decided to become and that the Lord will fulfill His prophecies upon you life.   That you will walk in the favorite of God and men.  And I pray for your future wife, that the Lord will bless you with loving and faithful wife, who will be excellent mom to your child.  That she will train up your child in the Lord, that when they grow up they will not depart for it.   I pray that you will be good and faithful husband to your wife and excellent dad to your child.  That you will walk in the spirit of excellency with humble and patient heart.   That the spirit of obedient and wisdom will be upon all of your and all of your seed.  For that your seed will be mighty on earth.  And I'm sorry for the time that dad and I have fail you.  But we want you to know that we always love you, we might seem tough, but it is because we care and we love you son.  We wanted you to know and understand that...
    Last I pray;  that the great command of the Lord will be upon you.  That you will love the Lord thy God with ALL your Heart and ALL of your soul.  That you life with be prosper in health (physical and spiritual) and that wealth is in your house, but most of all riches of the heart will always be your and  may you be bless and a blessing to other all year round.....Happy Birthday my son.
Love with all my heart


                                                      A  Birthday wishes for you
     Heavenly Father, I thank you for my handsome son that you gave me.  I thank you for every hair upon his head, and every things about him, I cherish, and I loved.  Thank you for the breath of life that in him...With all of my grateful heart to you Lord and always till the end.

   “For all the benefits, O most merciful Father, that we have received of your goodness alone, we thank you; and we beseech you to grant us always your Holy spirit, that we may grow in grace, in steadfast faith, and perseverance in all good works, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
                                                                                                                                                           John Know (1505-1572)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Step

                                   Getting start

    This morning before I went out to work, I  grabbed  me a pen and a small note book  that my daughter gave me, for just in case..ha!ha! I don't want to be brain freeze like yesterday and looked at the empty page.  I wanted to write something that my children will appreciated as the same time they would enjoy to read.  Perhaps if I can get it accomplish this will be a gift to them from me, something that they will look back and appreciate much more when I'm no longer with them.  I don't know when my time on earth is going to come to the end, only God knew.   I pray that they will live their life in the reverence fear of the Lord, with Love and Respect, Understanding and Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth, Merciful and Kind.
     There had bee some inspiration for me from one of the blogger that that I had read. The theme is on my # 1 favorite actor, Wentworth Miller, from tv series called "Prison Break".  The blog is called, "CafeWent-Life with Wentworth Miller".  Written by one of the fan club who inspire by this actor which turn her blog into fine art, art of writing.  When I read it and I thought in my heart, Wow!, if Wentworth Miller read of what she wrote monthly, I wonder how would he feel to knowing the love and the waiting from his fan club.
      So I decided to open me a blogger, but only for the purpose of my family which intention toward my children.  I'm not pro witter, English is my secondary language as you already know.  My used of grammar is awful, but it does not stop me from writing.  I wrote a few short inspiration book while back and gave it to my friend to prof  read....oh boy!!....I remember one thing that she said, "I can hear your accent jump right out from the"

Friday, October 5, 2012

Brain Freeze

                                             Empty page                     
    This morning, I open a site on blogspot, set it in private, and when out to work. Throughout the day I been thinking how I should start my blog.  There are many words flowed into my head, I got so excited of the things that of I'm going to write about.   By the end of the day, put all my nursery work down, I went in to cook, take a show and we ate.  Now I’m ready to put my words on Microsoft Word.
      Dung!!!!! My mind when freeze on me.  I sat there for over an hour looking at the empty page with with a frozen mind, it's not empty...the words still there.  It's just so much and I just don't know how to start and begin.  My daughter came in and saw the site, with curious look on her face and said, “Snow Dove?”  l love the name,  looked at her with a soft smile as I replied.  Ok! I call it for a night, perhaps I'll do better tomorrow....