Sunday, October 7, 2012

October boy

                             Happy Birthday

        Today is your Birthday and here is my blessing to you;  I pray that The Lord will keep you and bless you and cause His face to shine up on you  and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you.  That your will delight yourselves unto to the Lord and his will gives you your heart desire.  That you will walk with reverence fear of the Lord for great wisdom that you will find in Him. May the Lord charge His angel over you to watch you, guild you and protect over you.  May you find truth happiness and success  in you life. Remember your brother and sister and don't forsake them, watch out for one another and love one another as I love you.

     When you face life circumstances and felt that life is unfair to you, I hope that you will remember this, that you are not alone.  There is nothing new under the sun.  If there no one to encourage you, learn how to encourage yourselves in the Lord.  Keep vision this in your mind that there are many people out there in this world lived their life in the worst situation than you are.  Be grateful  and thankful for your life for life is very precious.  Don't over look at little thing, if you can see a blessing in little thing, than you will see a bigger blessing in the larger thing.  Appreciated God giving life.  And last I pray that you will walk in the Fruit of the Sprite.  Let the Book of 1 Corinthians.   13: 4-8, rain over your heart.

     I pray that you will walk in success of what you decided to become and that the Lord will fulfill His prophecies upon you life.   That you will walk in the favorite of God and men.  And I pray for your future wife, that the Lord will bless you with loving and faithful wife, who will be excellent mom to your child.  That she will train up your child in the Lord, that when they grow up they will not depart for it.   I pray that you will be good and faithful husband to your wife and excellent dad to your child.  That you will walk in the spirit of excellency with humble and patient heart.   That the spirit of obedient and wisdom will be upon all of your and all of your seed.  For that your seed will be mighty on earth.  And I'm sorry for the time that dad and I have fail you.  But we want you to know that we always love you, we might seem tough, but it is because we care and we love you son.  We wanted you to know and understand that...
    Last I pray;  that the great command of the Lord will be upon you.  That you will love the Lord thy God with ALL your Heart and ALL of your soul.  That you life with be prosper in health (physical and spiritual) and that wealth is in your house, but most of all riches of the heart will always be your and  may you be bless and a blessing to other all year round.....Happy Birthday my son.
Love with all my heart


                                                      A  Birthday wishes for you
     Heavenly Father, I thank you for my handsome son that you gave me.  I thank you for every hair upon his head, and every things about him, I cherish, and I loved.  Thank you for the breath of life that in him...With all of my grateful heart to you Lord and always till the end.

   “For all the benefits, O most merciful Father, that we have received of your goodness alone, we thank you; and we beseech you to grant us always your Holy spirit, that we may grow in grace, in steadfast faith, and perseverance in all good works, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
                                                                                                                                                           John Know (1505-1572)

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