Friday, October 5, 2012

Brain Freeze

                                             Empty page                     
    This morning, I open a site on blogspot, set it in private, and when out to work. Throughout the day I been thinking how I should start my blog.  There are many words flowed into my head, I got so excited of the things that of I'm going to write about.   By the end of the day, put all my nursery work down, I went in to cook, take a show and we ate.  Now I’m ready to put my words on Microsoft Word.
      Dung!!!!! My mind when freeze on me.  I sat there for over an hour looking at the empty page with with a frozen mind, it's not empty...the words still there.  It's just so much and I just don't know how to start and begin.  My daughter came in and saw the site, with curious look on her face and said, “Snow Dove?”  l love the name,  looked at her with a soft smile as I replied.  Ok! I call it for a night, perhaps I'll do better tomorrow....


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