Thursday, November 22, 2012


Hellooooo this is Wadee!  Well we are in Dallas right now :D to celebrate Thanksgiving with my aunt Timm,Thom,and Thay!The food was soooo good!!  So lets talk about when my mom was sick. She was tots BOOOOOSSSSY!  She kept tellin me to do this and do that! But O well i love my mommy anyways *w*, i'm glad she is there to help me to go the right way.  My mom is like my BEST friend.......HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!!!  im joking :| Candy is my best friend :].  No hate mamma Loooove YOU<3

Happy Thanksgiving

“Breaking the Tradition”

      What?  No fry turkey, bake chicken and ham on the table this year.   Hurray finally!  I don't feel like eating any turkey this holiday.  I rather wait for christmas.   My sister and both of her sons, either of them wanted to eat  turkey or chicken.  So we move from western style to Asian style this year.  Timm already came up of what we are going to cook.  Everything sounded delicious; I can’t wait to be her helping hands.  She is a 5 stars chief to me.  At her younger age she work as a chief at Double Tree a five 5 hotel. Now she is over 50’s, but look as in her 30's and a fruit stylist or fruits and vegetable craving.  We brought her a fresh catch white perch and that is one of her menu…mmmm!!!  I love fish.  Tiger cry is also on the menu.  Boys and girl get ready to cry while you taste of delicious grill tender beef steak dipping in the spicy tiger sauce. ….lol 

     This thanksgiving will be a weight watcher menu…healthy diet and healthy food.  I like to eat light food,  I don’t like fatty food and dessert that loaded with sugar…..ewwww!!!!   Too much sugar is unhealthy for you, it will creep up on you as you get older.  Too much white sugar can also cause cancer.  In everything that you do or eat, make sure it is balance.  Too much of everything is bad.  Learn how to control your mouth and don’t follow your stomach, but know amount and how much that your body need.

     Asian people loved rice.  Rice is our main meal, and yet white rice carry load of starch which will break down into sugar and sugar will goes straight down to your weight line and stomach. My husband and kids can’t stand brown rice so we ate white rice every day, but I ate only one small scoop of rice no second scoop..
     Every years we spent our holiday with my husband family never with my family side cause they leave so far away.   So this holiday we came to spent our holiday with my sister and her children, uncle Bob's working at Thailand with his mom, they always have quiet holiday.  My hubby didn't get to come cause he have to watch over nursery.  There is no one to watch it for us  :(  ..... so he ate with his whole family..which is house full of them....he!he!

We all missed you mom, dad and Todd...Happy thanksgiving.  We hardly drive up to see my mom and dad as much cause they leave in George, so they would always have they quiet holiday of three  : (   BUT!!! This Christmas, we'll be at your table, waiting for your turkey and ham this year....since we turkey free this thanksgiving   : D   can't wait for dad delicious stuffing with gravy and pineapple casserole...mmmm.....I missed they cooking..... It's going to be very noisy in your house dad....see you soon.  LOVE : D

Tiger cry is grill beef steak that marinated with soy sauce, oyster sauce, black pepper and dash of mushroom season and let it marinated many hours before you place it on the grill , or best to let marinated overnight.  The beef steak will be more tenderer.  Spoon over either of these two spicy sauce on top of your beef before eat, great with lettuces, cucumber, tomatoes slice...
This is fry fishes that we fillet and cut into cubes, seasoned and dipped in flour and deep fry. Top with different herbs; lemongrass, onion, apple, peanut, ginger and garlic.  Eat with vegetable and hot and spicy pepper sauce....mmm this is my favorite

Pad Thai (stir fly noodle with peanut sauce) with grill seasoning shrimps that the kids love.  After looking at this picture of the shrimps, now I wish that I should place the shrimps into different plate.  It would look a lot better than this { :| 

Tiger cry sauce ingredient: 1 Tbsp. fish sauce, 1 tamarind juice or lemon juice, 1 Tbsp. thin slice small red onion, 1/2-1 Tbsp. grounded roasted dry rice, 1 Tbsp. dry red pepper, 1/2 tsp. sugar, and chop cilantro.  Mix all of the ingredient together.

For our dessert; light apple pie and light cream cheese cake top with cherry...mmmm!! the boys love the cheese cake, but aunt Timm, Wadee and I we like apple pie...the apple filling is still too sweet for me, but the crush and crumb are great  : D
For drink is homemade lemonade with fresh squeeze lemon from our tree.  The kids ate all of the beef, shrimp and noodle.  Timm and I, we ate the fish.  Wonderful foods, wonderful time and wonderful family......

Heaven Father, we thank You for every food on the table.  I pray that You blessing will be on my sister home that you will charge Your angel over her and her family that they will be no harm shall come near they dwelling place.  Thank You for the wonderful union that we have, we have wonderful time, even though we didn't get chance to go walking in the outlet mall cause I still sick and we don't have enough time.  Thank You with all of my heart to You 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Taking Care Of Me

"Flu Attack!!"

     This couple day I have very bad flu.  Yesterday was worst, I was in bed all day long.  Wadee cooked me some turkey rice soup, surprisingly, it taste pretty good, thank you baby.  Her and Candy made a good nurse.  Wadee will get me everything I need, such as many-many bottle of water.  She cut up apple and papaya and fixed it up and took a picture for me to post up for her to remember in the future time...he!he!  like mother, like daughter.  She also made some honey lemon tea for me to drink.  It's great for natural  treatment for soar throat.  And yes my wiggling Candy, she laid by my side and comfort me and watch over me quietly all day long.  Usually she will bark if she know someone is coming into the room...thank you Candy.  The two boys will come in once in a while to check up on me.  Boue gone out in the afternoon potting 4" grass for me that I chopped over the!!!... and Ned cleaning my car so we can have a clean car to drive up to Dallas tomorrow morning for thanksgiving...thank you son.  Ned have job interview today, Mrs. Gina is hiding him back to work at burger king, so he can kill some time and save some money while waiting to register some courses in spring.   I'm so glad for him.  He doesn't like to work in the nursery.  Well I pray that he will walk in the favorite with God and men....
       I was so very proud of her cooking so does she....

                                                          Chief for yesterday.......
 menu is: Turkey and rice soup
 for dessert: papaya and apple 
for drink: fresh squeeze lemon, green tea with honey, great for soar throat
last: sitting nurse, sleep most of the time....hehehe!!!!   cute little Candy....   : D

    Today I have to "pick up my bed and walk," (proclaimed a healing over my body). I cooked, cleaned, washed, folded and put up all of the clothes before we leave home tomorrow.  So we will come back to a clean house....
Menu for today; Chop steak with mushroom gravy and stir fly green been and rice

Suchol and kids love chop steak

     Your dad went fishing, try to catch some fresh fish to bring to aunt Timm.  He called and let me know the he caught 4 biiiiig white perches so far...happy as his can be for he never catch that big.  Your dad loves fishing, I'm so glad....

     Dear Lord, I thank you for all of my children.  Thank you for the caring heart that you given them.  Every little thing that they do for me is count as much more than word can say...thank you for my healing, thank you Lord for Your blessing and Your loving kindness that endure for ever and ever....


Saturday, November 17, 2012

November’s your

“Happy Birthday”

     Today is your Birthday and I want to wish you the best.  Thought many years that passed, I saw the prophecy of God came alive in your life.  Be grateful always my son and don’t ever forget all of the blessing that the Lord have blessed you with.   You’re the older child, there is request that I would ask of you; that is don’t forget to watch over your brother and sister and check up on them when we apart, and love one another as I loved you all.  I thank God for all of you and I love you all the same, no more nor no less than other.  
Here are my pray of blessing over you on your birthday…
     I pray that the Lord will keep you and bless you.  That He will cause His face to shine upon you and direct your steps in every area that you take and that you will walk in the favorite of the Lord.  That He will charge His angel over you and everywhere that you go, you will find favorite with God and men.  I pray that you will walk in humble spirit with reverence fear of the Lord that wisdom and understanding will be upon you.  “For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  Proverb 9:10 That your life will be filling with prosperity in physical and spiritual, but most of all that you’ll be riches in heart.  Don’t let the love of money corrupt your soul.  But be truth and faithful, humble and kind, love, righteous and earnest.  For how you walked your life on earth, is what will follow you the day you die.  Your spirit and soul is your truth life.  This body is just a temporary home for your spirit to dwell in.  It is not a permanent  home and it will not last forever.  One day this body wills parish, but the truth spirit and soul is what count forever.  May you dwell in the house of the Lord forever my son. 
     I pray for you future that the Lord will bless you with a future wife; a mighty women of God, who will be faithful to you,  That she will walk in humble spirit, love, wisdom and understand.  That she will train up your child in the ways of the Lord.  I pray that you will be a good and faithful husband to your wife with patient, kind and understanding.  That you will love her as you love yourself and let no selfish mind be find in you, but instead in everything that you’ll do, you do it with your family with joyful heart.  That the excellent spirit will be upon you, to teach you how to be excellent father to your child and that your seed shall be mighty upon earth...this I declare, decrees and proclaim over your life.
     If you fail, be humble to apologize with truth heart.  Repent and turn away from the wicked way.   Don’t lie, for liar don’t get you far, just remember this, "there no secrete under the sun."  Whatever been done either good or bad, it will be reveals into the light.  You can never hide the skeletons in the closet.  I'm sorry for the time that your dad and I have fail you son.  But I want you to know that you are love by us always.
     Last I pray that you be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.  Blessed be the name of the Lord and the glory of His light upon you…my son…  
Happy Birthday
From Mom with love
22 Today, Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake that you like

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of my children life that You entrusted them into my care.  I'm sorry for the time that I may not be a good mother to them.  I want to say that I am grateful for the life of my children that you gave me, for they are my heart beside You, my husband, my mom, my wonderful dad, brother and sister...with all of my grateful heart to You....I love You Lord, more than word can say...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sound Of Music

     Everyone loved music, but what kind of music depend on each personality.  Your dad likes soft rock, soul and of course Thai music.  Boue like techno, piano music and gospel.  Ned like piano music, country and gospel.  Wadee like some Korean music, few gospel, and instrument music, piano, violin and bass.   Me, I have music in my's my pray....I also like soft piano, violet, guitar, ukulele, soft instrument music without lyric, and some classical music.  There is one kind of music that I enjoy to listening and I hear it every day in my nursery.  It is amazing beautiful melody, to me occurs.  It is the birds songs that they sing.

           Have you ever hear bird imitate sounds of what it hear?  If not, you have to watch   this video....This bird is amazingly awesome...
I got to get a video of the turtle doves cooing in our tree.  This evening we saw over 20 dove flying low in front of our house into the tree.  I believed that we should have close to 50 dove living in the trees around of our house.
Here are some music that we Yiruma
Rivers flow in you, this is the song that Ned and Wadee love to play on the piano.  

Kiss the rain is one of my favorite and I'm learning to play this song when ever I got time...
Finally, Wadee violin teacher gave Wadee music sheet on Rivers Flow in you so she may try out on her violin or piano, perhaps one day she will play like this young lady in this video that she enjoy watching

Yesterday, we saw a lot of baby birds flying all around the tree close to where I do my cutting.  They are so pretty and they only come out in the evening an hour before the sun go down.  It is difficult to catch them on camera.  They're very fast, I don't know what kind of bird they are, but they are sooooo cute....Boue was amaze by how cute they are.I also saw some baby dove flying on the oak tree beside the house...

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of this birds that you lead them to our land, and I thank you for such creative animal that you created for us and such a beautiful songs that they sings.  I appreciated every moment of it and it gave me such a pleasure of watching them and listening to them singing.
Thanks again with all of my heart to You and You alone....

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Foong Foong The Rabbit

"Our First Bunny"  

During my college years, I came back home from LouisanaTech and supprise my parent with one rabbit that my roommate gave to me.  Actually the rabbit is her birthday gift from her boyfriend.  It is a little white baby bunny.  It stays in the box while we go to our class She would closed up the top box every time that we leave the room.  Well, Foong Foong, that's what his name, got out of the box many times and hop around the room.  We share bathroom with our next door and they always leave the bathroom door open, but we always keep our closed.  One day we forgot to close the bathroom door, so Foong Foong hop into their room, well... they reported to dome keeper.  She had to give Foong Foong away, so she gave it to me and I can't resisted him after seeing how cute he is. Your aunt Timm and I we brought it back home that weekend.  Boy! Oh Boy!!  Foong Foong became grandma and grandpa favorite animal.  At that time, we lived in two story base housing.  Every house have fence around the back yard.  The house had slide glass back door.  Foong Foong lived in the back yard and every time that we open the door it always hop into the house.  It will hop on top of the couch where grandma or grandpa sit and it will sat right next to them and watch the tv with them....   Foong Foong stay in the house most of the time, it became our house pet, but it never make dirty in the house.  Grandma and grandpa taught it well.  He will scratch the glass door when he wants to use the bathroom.  Foong  Foong became many kids attraction when they pass by our yard.  He dig big hole every where in the yard.  He is a very biggg...white and fluffy rabbit.     Grandpa took some picture of it, but it is with them.
     Sadly when grandpa retire from the air force, we have to give it away.  We can't keep him.  I still remember that day, tears in every one eyes when grandpa friend drove off with him...good bye Foong  Foong.  She have farm and raise many animal including rabbit.  She too fall in love with Foo I heard... I'm glad.  We have many fun years with him.  Picture of him I don't have, but it clear in the corner of my memory. Oh, how we loved that bunny...

     Dear Lord, I thank you for every animals that You created for us to care for and to enjoy.  Thank you for every pet that we have ever since we were young till we old.  They are precious memory now and of those that left behind.  Thank you for great memory you bless us with memory to remember such special person, places and things and that we can treasure it for good reason to be appreciates of You.  With all my grateful heart to You Lord.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

First Duck

      In our pound lived many wild ducks.  We never shoot them, because I like to keep it that way.    I loved animals, I think they are beautiful.  But there is one animal that somehow I just can't learn to love, that is, snake...ewe!!!  Yesterday morning Ned and his friend went duck hunting in our pound.  They brought back one duck, skinned and clean it, and brought it in for me to cook. He friend shoot it of course.  But sadly to say my son, I prefer and enjoy their beauty alive of course. I like to see them show their elegance of beauty and knowing that they are saved in my pond.....
     This I ask of you my sons and daughter, have mercy and be compassion to animals around you.  They feel pain, scare and love their life the same as you.  Don't think a minute that they don't feel any pain, if they can bleed then they can feel.  Have you ever see animals eyes before they get kill?  I did, I saw the eyes of pain animal and scare animal before, and I just wanted to cry.  Your grandpa Don, use to said to me long before I marry to your dad, that I should have been a veterinarian.  I would bring stray animal back home for them to take care.   Your grandpa Don told me a story of the time that he went deer hunting at his young age.  He was walking in the wood with his rifle and at the corner of the trail, there it was, standing right there and turn it head and looked straight at him in his eyes.  He lift up his rifle and aim for kill, but as soon as his eyes saw her eyes, it changes his heart.  After that, your grandpa never kill no deer.  It is the compassion and mercy of the heart that he saw her, the deer, in God's eye and release her life back to her young.  But if grandpa would starving to death, that  might have been another   As for now we are not starving to dead so enjoy their beauty just as they are, and let their enjoy their short life.  If someone want to shoot them down, that's their choice of their life.
And here is the duck stew that you asked me to cook and I also include the recipe with it, so you can learn how to cook for yourselves....

Ingredient is the same as beef stew:
Chop up; 2 clove of garlic, 1 stick of celery, 1/2 head of white onion, 2 jalapeno pepper (if like spicy taste) or 1 bell pepper, 1 tomato and fresh rosemary leaves.  The quantity of the vegetable and herb change according the amount of meat you will be use.   
Brown your duck of beef in light olive oil until light brown and into that add your chop ingredients,  season with; sea salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp. of pickling spice little dash of sugar and let it saute for while and and water or chicken broth to cover the duck and let it come into boil and turn the heat down on low, cover the pot and let it slow cook for 3-4 hours.  Don't forget to check on your food while it is cook unless you cook in your electric slow cook pot, then the time set will be change according to how you want it to cook.
Chop up your potatoes and carrots.
Duck meat is very tough, let it cook till 3/4 hours and remove duck from the pot and de-bone it and place the meat back into the pot and add in you carrot and potatoes and if you like quill egg you  can add in boil quill eggs as you desire (I'm out of quill egg so we didn't put any)  let it slow cook for another 30 min or until the potatoes and carrots is done....enjoy and don't forget to give thanks to the Lord who created all things and thank you for the life.

Father, we thank you for every animals in the field and in the forest that you created for such a great purpose and we thank you for the meat that you set on our table and your blessing be upon all of us and all of your animals Lord. Thank you for our life and thank you for the animals life of what they lost to give us, in your mighty name Jesus Christ we pray. Amen