Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

“Breaking the Tradition”

      What?  No fry turkey, bake chicken and ham on the table this year.   Hurray finally!  I don't feel like eating any turkey this holiday.  I rather wait for christmas.   My sister and both of her sons, either of them wanted to eat  turkey or chicken.  So we move from western style to Asian style this year.  Timm already came up of what we are going to cook.  Everything sounded delicious; I can’t wait to be her helping hands.  She is a 5 stars chief to me.  At her younger age she work as a chief at Double Tree a five 5 hotel. Now she is over 50’s, but look as in her 30's and a fruit stylist or fruits and vegetable craving.  We brought her a fresh catch white perch and that is one of her menu…mmmm!!!  I love fish.  Tiger cry is also on the menu.  Boys and girl get ready to cry while you taste of delicious grill tender beef steak dipping in the spicy tiger sauce. ….lol 

     This thanksgiving will be a weight watcher menu…healthy diet and healthy food.  I like to eat light food,  I don’t like fatty food and dessert that loaded with sugar…..ewwww!!!!   Too much sugar is unhealthy for you, it will creep up on you as you get older.  Too much white sugar can also cause cancer.  In everything that you do or eat, make sure it is balance.  Too much of everything is bad.  Learn how to control your mouth and don’t follow your stomach, but know amount and how much that your body need.

     Asian people loved rice.  Rice is our main meal, and yet white rice carry load of starch which will break down into sugar and sugar will goes straight down to your weight line and stomach. My husband and kids can’t stand brown rice so we ate white rice every day, but I ate only one small scoop of rice no second scoop..
     Every years we spent our holiday with my husband family never with my family side cause they leave so far away.   So this holiday we came to spent our holiday with my sister and her children, uncle Bob's working at Thailand with his mom, they always have quiet holiday.  My hubby didn't get to come cause he have to watch over nursery.  There is no one to watch it for us  :(  ..... so he ate with his whole family..which is house full of them....he!he!

We all missed you mom, dad and Todd...Happy thanksgiving.  We hardly drive up to see my mom and dad as much cause they leave in George, so they would always have they quiet holiday of three  : (   BUT!!! This Christmas, we'll be at your table, waiting for your turkey and ham this year....since we turkey free this thanksgiving   : D   can't wait for dad delicious stuffing with gravy and pineapple casserole...mmmm.....I missed they cooking..... It's going to be very noisy in your house dad....see you soon.  LOVE : D

Tiger cry is grill beef steak that marinated with soy sauce, oyster sauce, black pepper and dash of mushroom season and let it marinated many hours before you place it on the grill , or best to let marinated overnight.  The beef steak will be more tenderer.  Spoon over either of these two spicy sauce on top of your beef before eat, great with lettuces, cucumber, tomatoes slice...
This is fry fishes that we fillet and cut into cubes, seasoned and dipped in flour and deep fry. Top with different herbs; lemongrass, onion, apple, peanut, ginger and garlic.  Eat with vegetable and hot and spicy pepper sauce....mmm this is my favorite

Pad Thai (stir fly noodle with peanut sauce) with grill seasoning shrimps that the kids love.  After looking at this picture of the shrimps, now I wish that I should place the shrimps into different plate.  It would look a lot better than this { :| 

Tiger cry sauce ingredient: 1 Tbsp. fish sauce, 1 tamarind juice or lemon juice, 1 Tbsp. thin slice small red onion, 1/2-1 Tbsp. grounded roasted dry rice, 1 Tbsp. dry red pepper, 1/2 tsp. sugar, and chop cilantro.  Mix all of the ingredient together.

For our dessert; light apple pie and light cream cheese cake top with cherry...mmmm!! the boys love the cheese cake, but aunt Timm, Wadee and I we like apple pie...the apple filling is still too sweet for me, but the crush and crumb are great  : D
For drink is homemade lemonade with fresh squeeze lemon from our tree.  The kids ate all of the beef, shrimp and noodle.  Timm and I, we ate the fish.  Wonderful foods, wonderful time and wonderful family......

Heaven Father, we thank You for every food on the table.  I pray that You blessing will be on my sister home that you will charge Your angel over her and her family that they will be no harm shall come near they dwelling place.  Thank You for the wonderful union that we have, we have wonderful time, even though we didn't get chance to go walking in the outlet mall cause I still sick and we don't have enough time.  Thank You with all of my heart to You 

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