Sunday, November 4, 2012

First Duck

      In our pound lived many wild ducks.  We never shoot them, because I like to keep it that way.    I loved animals, I think they are beautiful.  But there is one animal that somehow I just can't learn to love, that is, snake...ewe!!!  Yesterday morning Ned and his friend went duck hunting in our pound.  They brought back one duck, skinned and clean it, and brought it in for me to cook. He friend shoot it of course.  But sadly to say my son, I prefer and enjoy their beauty alive of course. I like to see them show their elegance of beauty and knowing that they are saved in my pond.....
     This I ask of you my sons and daughter, have mercy and be compassion to animals around you.  They feel pain, scare and love their life the same as you.  Don't think a minute that they don't feel any pain, if they can bleed then they can feel.  Have you ever see animals eyes before they get kill?  I did, I saw the eyes of pain animal and scare animal before, and I just wanted to cry.  Your grandpa Don, use to said to me long before I marry to your dad, that I should have been a veterinarian.  I would bring stray animal back home for them to take care.   Your grandpa Don told me a story of the time that he went deer hunting at his young age.  He was walking in the wood with his rifle and at the corner of the trail, there it was, standing right there and turn it head and looked straight at him in his eyes.  He lift up his rifle and aim for kill, but as soon as his eyes saw her eyes, it changes his heart.  After that, your grandpa never kill no deer.  It is the compassion and mercy of the heart that he saw her, the deer, in God's eye and release her life back to her young.  But if grandpa would starving to death, that  might have been another   As for now we are not starving to dead so enjoy their beauty just as they are, and let their enjoy their short life.  If someone want to shoot them down, that's their choice of their life.
And here is the duck stew that you asked me to cook and I also include the recipe with it, so you can learn how to cook for yourselves....

Ingredient is the same as beef stew:
Chop up; 2 clove of garlic, 1 stick of celery, 1/2 head of white onion, 2 jalapeno pepper (if like spicy taste) or 1 bell pepper, 1 tomato and fresh rosemary leaves.  The quantity of the vegetable and herb change according the amount of meat you will be use.   
Brown your duck of beef in light olive oil until light brown and into that add your chop ingredients,  season with; sea salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp. of pickling spice little dash of sugar and let it saute for while and and water or chicken broth to cover the duck and let it come into boil and turn the heat down on low, cover the pot and let it slow cook for 3-4 hours.  Don't forget to check on your food while it is cook unless you cook in your electric slow cook pot, then the time set will be change according to how you want it to cook.
Chop up your potatoes and carrots.
Duck meat is very tough, let it cook till 3/4 hours and remove duck from the pot and de-bone it and place the meat back into the pot and add in you carrot and potatoes and if you like quill egg you  can add in boil quill eggs as you desire (I'm out of quill egg so we didn't put any)  let it slow cook for another 30 min or until the potatoes and carrots is done....enjoy and don't forget to give thanks to the Lord who created all things and thank you for the life.

Father, we thank you for every animals in the field and in the forest that you created for such a great purpose and we thank you for the meat that you set on our table and your blessing be upon all of us and all of your animals Lord. Thank you for our life and thank you for the animals life of what they lost to give us, in your mighty name Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

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