Saturday, November 17, 2012

November’s your

“Happy Birthday”

     Today is your Birthday and I want to wish you the best.  Thought many years that passed, I saw the prophecy of God came alive in your life.  Be grateful always my son and don’t ever forget all of the blessing that the Lord have blessed you with.   You’re the older child, there is request that I would ask of you; that is don’t forget to watch over your brother and sister and check up on them when we apart, and love one another as I loved you all.  I thank God for all of you and I love you all the same, no more nor no less than other.  
Here are my pray of blessing over you on your birthday…
     I pray that the Lord will keep you and bless you.  That He will cause His face to shine upon you and direct your steps in every area that you take and that you will walk in the favorite of the Lord.  That He will charge His angel over you and everywhere that you go, you will find favorite with God and men.  I pray that you will walk in humble spirit with reverence fear of the Lord that wisdom and understanding will be upon you.  “For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  Proverb 9:10 That your life will be filling with prosperity in physical and spiritual, but most of all that you’ll be riches in heart.  Don’t let the love of money corrupt your soul.  But be truth and faithful, humble and kind, love, righteous and earnest.  For how you walked your life on earth, is what will follow you the day you die.  Your spirit and soul is your truth life.  This body is just a temporary home for your spirit to dwell in.  It is not a permanent  home and it will not last forever.  One day this body wills parish, but the truth spirit and soul is what count forever.  May you dwell in the house of the Lord forever my son. 
     I pray for you future that the Lord will bless you with a future wife; a mighty women of God, who will be faithful to you,  That she will walk in humble spirit, love, wisdom and understand.  That she will train up your child in the ways of the Lord.  I pray that you will be a good and faithful husband to your wife with patient, kind and understanding.  That you will love her as you love yourself and let no selfish mind be find in you, but instead in everything that you’ll do, you do it with your family with joyful heart.  That the excellent spirit will be upon you, to teach you how to be excellent father to your child and that your seed shall be mighty upon earth...this I declare, decrees and proclaim over your life.
     If you fail, be humble to apologize with truth heart.  Repent and turn away from the wicked way.   Don’t lie, for liar don’t get you far, just remember this, "there no secrete under the sun."  Whatever been done either good or bad, it will be reveals into the light.  You can never hide the skeletons in the closet.  I'm sorry for the time that your dad and I have fail you son.  But I want you to know that you are love by us always.
     Last I pray that you be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.  Blessed be the name of the Lord and the glory of His light upon you…my son…  
Happy Birthday
From Mom with love
22 Today, Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake that you like

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of my children life that You entrusted them into my care.  I'm sorry for the time that I may not be a good mother to them.  I want to say that I am grateful for the life of my children that you gave me, for they are my heart beside You, my husband, my mom, my wonderful dad, brother and sister...with all of my grateful heart to You....I love You Lord, more than word can say...

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