Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Taking Care Of Me

"Flu Attack!!"

     This couple day I have very bad flu.  Yesterday was worst, I was in bed all day long.  Wadee cooked me some turkey rice soup, surprisingly, it taste pretty good, thank you baby.  Her and Candy made a good nurse.  Wadee will get me everything I need, such as many-many bottle of water.  She cut up apple and papaya and fixed it up and took a picture for me to post up for her to remember in the future time...he!he!  like mother, like daughter.  She also made some honey lemon tea for me to drink.  It's great for natural  treatment for soar throat.  And yes my wiggling Candy, she laid by my side and comfort me and watch over me quietly all day long.  Usually she will bark if she know someone is coming into the room...thank you Candy.  The two boys will come in once in a while to check up on me.  Boue gone out in the afternoon potting 4" grass for me that I chopped over the weekend...wow!!!... and Ned cleaning my car so we can have a clean car to drive up to Dallas tomorrow morning for thanksgiving...thank you son.  Ned have job interview today, Mrs. Gina is hiding him back to work at burger king, so he can kill some time and save some money while waiting to register some courses in spring.   I'm so glad for him.  He doesn't like to work in the nursery.  Well I pray that he will walk in the favorite with God and men....
       I was so very proud of her cooking so does she....

                                                          Chief for yesterday.......
 menu is: Turkey and rice soup
 for dessert: papaya and apple 
for drink: fresh squeeze lemon, green tea with honey, great for soar throat
last: sitting nurse, sleep most of the time....hehehe!!!!   cute little Candy....   : D

    Today I have to "pick up my bed and walk," (proclaimed a healing over my body). I cooked, cleaned, washed, folded and put up all of the clothes before we leave home tomorrow.  So we will come back to a clean house....
Menu for today; Chop steak with mushroom gravy and stir fly green been and rice

Suchol and kids love chop steak

     Your dad went fishing, try to catch some fresh fish to bring to aunt Timm.  He called and let me know the he caught 4 biiiiig white perches so far...happy as his can be for he never catch that big.  Your dad loves fishing, I'm so glad....

     Dear Lord, I thank you for all of my children.  Thank you for the caring heart that you given them.  Every little thing that they do for me is count as much more than word can say...thank you for my healing, thank you Lord for Your blessing and Your loving kindness that endure for ever and ever....


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