Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Love To Climb

       There are so many story about me that you boys not yet know.   This story, your sister heard it once before.  She always said to me, "mom, please tell me the story of the time that you were young."  She always seem to be fascinated by it, so I desired to post it down for you to read that you may know more of me.
      As you already knew that my sister and I we lived with our grandma Tongma since I were born.  At the age of 7 and your aunt Timm is 11, your grandma Lott decided that it would be best for us to come and live with her in Takee, Nakornsawan.  At the age of 9, I were in 3rd grade and Timm is 13, grandma couldn't afford for both of us to be in school.  She had to pull Timm out of school to help with work so that I can attend school instead.  It broken your aunt heart, but she understood the reason well.  She always been a good girl.  It seem unfair to her, but the situation that we in is ruff on her life.  Your aunt Timm never complain or say anything about it.  Instead she help out with everything that mom ask of her.  She is the best sister to me.  She always take care of me.  
     Mom rent a old little house right next to the temple property.  There a little community housing there.  Our house was the last smaller house on the block.  It might have been about 10-15 houses there.  Most of the houses have electricity, but our house still has no electricity, because mom can’t afford it.  At least it does had a bathroom, running water from the well.   The floor and the wall on the house is much better than our grandma's house.  Our next door neighbor is family of Thai-Chinese, they don't very communicate with us, I guess because they are wealthy than us, or we just different....lol...  

     I remember one day our neighbor, they went gone somewhere or out of town.  Their fence was lock.  There is this huge fruit tree called ,Manila Tamarind, standing against their fence inside their back yard.  It's an old tree and huge as a size of the water oak tree.  Everyday after school, I sat under my house and looked at all of the fruits that hung on it branches, I thought to myself...wow!!! What a waist of delicious fruits.  Every time when our neighbor is not home, Timm and I, we would climbed up the tree to pick some fruits.

 Manila Tamarind fruits, the meat inside is white, had sweet and little sour tasted to it            

      Everyday my mom gone to work and my sister went to do some house work for mom's friend that lived in the community to help mom with financial need.  I was left home alone as I always would as the same of most Thai kids as their parent gone to work....So, on the day my neighbor gone out of the town, the opportunity was open for me.  The tree stood against my neighbor fence.  Because of the tree is so huge that it branches hooves over to the top of their roof, so I got on top of their roof and picked the fruits as much as wanted.  I sat on top of the roof and ate...and ate...and ate until I'm full.  I drop many down to the outside of the fence. 
    Climbing up and down the tree is easy for me.  I'm an expert with that.  But, sadly to say,  oops! I miss.  I step on the wrong branches and it broke and I fell from the tree onto the cement floor at my neighbor back yard inside of their property.  I passed out completely.   I don't know how long I passed out, but when I awake, I got up right away and notice that my angle was injure .  During to my left side of angle slammed  onto 1" metal pole which laid across the side of the fence and the tree and my head slammed onto the cement.  I got up any way, knowing that it is getting late and fear that mom would caught me and I would be in trouble   So climbed up and out of their fence and in which I did painfully.  I went home and never told my mom nor my sister of what happen, fear of getting spank and not allow to go out and play.  I were always pretty tough little girl during to the way I was raised so I have the attitude or what you called a spirit of the monkey ...…lol..

     The next day my angle were swelling so bad and it is hurt.  Still...I didn't tell my mom about it.  My sister got up early every morning to cook rice and fry egg for my lunch box, this is her usually daily responsibility for me, egg is my usually lunch because it is cheap and I also loved it.  Once in a while I might have half small fish tail or 1 little Asian sausage.  We do eat better when we lived with mom.  I took my lunch box and walk more than 1 painful hour to school  : (  Usually it will take me 1 hour walking to school daily.  I like to take short cut through old temple property and it kinda spooky, but some how I'm just not afraid.  After pass the temple property I have to go under the tin fence and on the other side would be small community with many old wooden house.  Walking another 30 min. then enter into the small woody area then I will reach the inside property of a new temple property of the monks living quarter.  Each monk have a little up ground hut of the size of the king bed with no bathroom.  After the monks quarter is main temple ground of 25 acres with the the main temple and school.  The monks build the school with the help of the donation money.  Mom would command me to walk on the side of the highway where many people were walking.  She doesn't wanted me to take the short cut, because it is not save to go through the old temple property for their is story of C Oui, Ouija surname Ng, the murder who still loose. It would be saver for me to walked where many people walked.  I don't like to walk by the highway, because it is longer and there is one house that raised many gooses and its like to chase after kids....lol.....so I took a short cut because I can't run fast with my painful angle... 

     Mom doesn't like us to trespassing into other people property, she always teaches us don't ever steal anything or take anything without permission, we may born poor in physical but don’t ever be poor of heart.  This always been taught in my family, even my step dad teaches us the same thing....  so I have to suffer from my desire of eating those fruit with such a great pain  : (    I hope that you won't do the same as I did.  It is not good to trespassing and very badly injury can occur.  As I looked back now, I  believed that if I would ask my neighbor for some of those fruit they would allow me to climb up with open fence when they are there.  The fallen left me with a scar on my head.  I have pretty big den on my skull and every time that I ruff my hand on it, I felt little tingling of funny pain, but it is not hurt.  I thank God that it didn't damage my brain...he!he!  Thank be to God of course who protected over me even before I didn't know Him, but He knew me.  The fallen still didn't stop me from climbing any more tree.  I loved to climb on the top of the tree as high as I can go and I still do wanted to climb every time that I see certain tree.
     As I had noticed, Boue love to climb, at the age of 7, he climbed on top of the counter and show off his karate kick to his brother....poor Ned.  But Ned loved to play Boue game, just standing there being his sand bag with the biggg and gigging smile on his face.  They loved to climb, yes they both climbed on top my my van while I were working in the nursery....Me! oh my!!! looking from the field and saw both of the boys on top of the miniature van jumping on the roof.  I throw down everything in my hands and ran as fast as I can run.  Boy! you scare the heck out of me.....spanking times!!!.  Boue got most of the spanks because he is older, I knew they just kids.  It not of what you can do to the roof of the van, but it the high with the jumping and the cement floor that can hurt you, if you fall...like me.....

     Boue loved to climb, at teenager, he loved to climb up the roof in the middle of the night and lay there to watch the stars above the sky and talking to his girl friend on the phone.  He said that the view is beautiful up there.  Perhaps one evening I will climb up there and watch the stars and write something about it.  Ned also loved to climb the tree with our worker sons.

     Wadee also loved to climb the trees, like mom like daughter.  She ran to almost every tree in our yard and climb up and hang on it branches like a monkey.  One day her friend, Jasmine, came to spent a night they were climbing and hanging on the tree behind our house, broke the branches and fail to the ground and laugh and climb back up again…   When Wadee and I, we drove to town, there is old house that have this huge oak tree with large branches droop down to the ground and up, she would said, "I would loved to climb upon that tree mom,” with a smile on my face as I replied, yes I know baby, I do too.....I felt the spirit of that climbing monkey rush in my vain, “oh how I love to get my hand on that tree...though in my heart....lol”   Here are some pictures of you that I took, knowing that one day you will enjoy looking back on these pictures....another precious fun time spend... hanging and climbing.....
This live oak is not as tall as it look.
Wadee and her favorite teddy bear
Our old dumpster truck 


You boys are not interesting to climb tree any more, and I didn't have any picture of your younger age of climbing and jumping...sorry...but those pictures of you are bury in my memory.

Dear Lord, we thank you for many beautiful tree that surrounded our place.  Thank you for whatever it is You have called us to do, both now and in the future.  I pray, Lord, that You would give us the strength and energy to get it done and do it with spirit of excellency...thank you Lord.  Love You

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