Sunday, December 16, 2012

My first note book

     Finally!!!!..... I got my fist note book, Samsung galaxy note 10.1. Actually I got it on black Friday for little cheaper price, but didn't think about posting it up. Having a blog is like keeping journal of your life, things that you are interest, travel, art & craft, recipes, books, ministry and..etc... So I desired to posted it up in that way I will be able to remember when I purchased my note book. For many of months I have been using Ned's laptop  my dell laptop had expired :-[ I love that laptop it been with me for13 years.  I enjoy my new notebook, I download a drawing app, pro sketchbook,  for $ it...... You can draw, design and color as the way that you desire. It is soooo cool. Wadee and Ned been drawing and playing around with it, i just let them enjoy the new item first before I take it back.. he he...
     In my younger age, I used to draw and paint a lot, art class is my favorite hour beside math. My family side we have many artist.  My uncle Noung, he is a painter. He can draw and paint beautifully and it is a gift from God in his life for he never attended school. God rest his soul, he pass away this past summer  My sister & her older son also have the gift, she can sow and fruits craving beautifully and her son can draw, paint and take beautiful pictures. My step dad, Don, can also paint beautifully in his younger age.
     Every Wednesday we would be in town most of the day. We leave the house at 11:30,  her piano class is at 12:15, voice at 2:00 and violin at 2:45. She finishes around 3:40 -3:45. While I am waiting for her I would read or knit if there one one to chat with.  But now with my Samsung galaxy I can draw...alright!!!, write blog, keep recipe and do much more when connected online ~♥~  and the price is lesser than the laptop, it's smaller and it is easy to carry around and bring along every where I go, even sit in the bathroom.... and the best thing is.... I don't have to carry my drawing pad, pencil, paint brushes and of course paints. Yes, this still can not be compare to the original paint of art with real hand paint on the canvas....mmm, I loved the smell of paint and I do missed the smell of it : (   Ned and Wadee love to draw anime. Me, ever since I got marry I put all my art work in the box, haven't pick it up ever since... nursery work kept me pretty busy. The work are never finish.  It always something else to do, one after another. The kids also kept my schedule full. Now that the boys are older, work and in collage, only Wadee left. She's home school and taken three music classes it make my scheduled busy still, not complaining, but glad that she enjoy her music lessons. Learning how to play music instruments will enhance her character life. This is my gift from me to her.  I always wanted to learn how to play piano & guitar ever since I were young but never have opportunity during our financial. I try to put both of the boys in music school when they were young, but they have no interesting before, now they do. They learn how to play piano from Youtub and did very well.  So when I have Wadee I desired that she have to take piano and when she was 5 years old, I enroll her in with the Yamaha music education group with Mrs. Eline. She took her class for two years and I have to pull her out during to economy low and financial crash for us. Thank God now we able to put her back in music school and she been taking piano for two years, violin and voice for a year.
    Perhaps when I'm retire from my nursery work..that will be long years to go for me to be able to do some paint on canvas....opps...forgot, by that time come I might be struck with grand well...I will teach them how to paint.  As for now, I'm getting back my talent that God gives me ever since I were small and put it on screen... Thank You Lord....

                                                       Wadee experiment with new note book
Pictures of sunset that she took
On the way back home from her music lesson
country side....lonely traffic to battle...we love the ground that we stand

     Father, I thank you for you blessing with big and small, spiritual and physical and everything that we have. Lord, teach us how to manage the time that we have left on earth wisely with well doing. In everything that we do let it bring glory back unto you great name, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

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