Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Herbs Garden"

    I been working in my herb garden for sometime now. I don't have much time to work on it duing to my busy  nursery work, only few hour after work if I have left over meal to eat. I used to planted all my vegetables and herbs on the ground inside my green house. Ever since we raised chicken, its got inside of my greenhouse, and damages many of my herbs and vegetables and also we have low land. It will take so much bark to fill the green house to build it up higher. So this past summer i planted most of my vegetables and herbs in the bucket.  Some of them on the ground but raised bed by using old broken cups and bucket.  I stacked them together and created into edging around certain area that I wanted. It looks a lot better than before. My papaya trees are loaded with papaya. I picked a lot at Thanksgiving time and brought to my sister to share with her and her friends.
      In very part of Asia, papaya tree grows every where.  It is a tropical fruit. Here in US, most of Asian family planted papaya tree around their house for harvesting green fruits in the summer and fall. The papaya tree will die in winter if it is not plant inside greenhouse. But if you cut the tree down and leave about 1 foot stem above the ground and cover up around the stem with thick blanket or heavy sheet of plant cover and when spring comes the new shoot will grow from the stem of the tree and you will have a new papaya trees. My old papaya tree that I cut down grew out 4 stems. You can cut thee tree off from the stem in order for your tree to have larger fruits, but I like them as it is. Papaya has many benefits you can read more info on these site;

              Here are my papaya trees, protected from the cold inside of the greenhouse

My papaya trees during the summer
   Thai and most Asian people love to eat spicy papaya salad called som tum. Som tum can be eaten by it self in hot afternoon as something to snack on or it can be serve as side dish.   It is great with sticky rice, fry fish and Tom Kai gai- Chicken in coconut milk with galanga root soup, and many more. Some like to eat with boil noodle or stir fry noodle.
Every arrangement flowers herbs are edible. These are all my collection
Som Tom are great with sticky rice 

    I collected many different herbs and spices. I love gardening, it is very relaxing to me. Ever since I were a teenager I enjoy working in my mom's garden. Mom always make her garden every spring and Iwill always go in her garden, pulled weed and water vegetables' for her. I love the feel of the dirt in my hand and every time I shovel and dig the ground I kept hearing the small voice inside of me saying "you are the good earth".  The story of the Good Earth comes back into my memory. This was one of my favorite book when I were a teenager. It is an award winner, by Pearl S. Buck published in 1931.

1. Justicia gangetica, the young leaf are edible (เบญจรงค์ ๕ สี) with many benefits. It is very easy to root and it had beautiful purple flowers all year long.   2.   Passion fruit brushes

1. I have Asian sugar cane I used it in certain soup for nature sweet, 
2. Yaa Naang for chlorophyll, this is one of best healing medicine in Thailand, very popular for many of years. The juice is use in cooking certain food.
3. I have 2 coco trees that I purchase online  and cash crew nut tree, dragon fruits, black pepper tree vine, vanilla plants and many more.

 1. parsley, Jewels of opar, hot chili pepper, 2. asian small cherry tomatoes, 3. bay leaves tree

This herb is a gift to me my my friend's mom,    sweet basil

Butterfly Pea Blue Pea Mussel - Shell Creeper ดอกอัญชัน   single and double flower         thai vegetable (Angled gourd)

Red long bean, in summer are loaded with hanging.  You'll find  long bean in many Asian's home, either green, purple or red in colors. I have 2 buckets. 

I am going to redoing this area for my aloe Vera  plants, whenever I have time. I want it to grow alot more than this  because I eat them almost every day, for health. There are many benefits of Aloe Vera that you three should know about and I hope that you all will be interesting and wanted to learn how to a good care  take care of yourself for better of your health. If you don't take care of yourselves then who would???  Do not neglected your body.  There are info about Aloe Vera on this site that you can read and learn about

Wadee special chicken, and he name is Hansel. He is the only chicken that let Wadee pick him up without trying to escape at all. He is always be around us.

Our lemon trees from last summer
I have five trees and it loaded with lemon every years and it has us so much juice . Every year I cut the lemons and give it away to family and friends and keep only just what I need. I squeezed the juice out and put it in zip lock bags and freeze it for  many use. I loved lemon I like to add slice in my drinking water or make lemon green tea. Don't like lemonade because it load with sugar.
Here are 16 Health Benefits of Lemon that you can read and learn

Dear Lord, I thank you for my land and I thank you for every herbs and plants that we have for they are healin to our body.  Thank you for putted in my son heart to be interesting in herbal medicine and Your plane will be accomplish in him.

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