Monday, December 10, 2012

Fishes Tonight

      Your dad went fishing other night with Dora at the Indian creek and he caught 49 big white perch. Dora love to ride in the boat with dad.  For over two months now he been catching alot of fishes. We love white perch, their meat is softer and sweeter than bass. I cleaned fishes everyday, before I start my work. We have freezer full of fishes whole and filet. Some of them I made into Thai dry fish. I marinated with fish sauce, little bet of sugar and mushroom power season and leave in fridge over night and dehydrated for 6 hours. I quick fry my dry fishes and we eat them with sticky rice with spicy dipping sauce or spicy papaya salad, Tom Yum Chicken or Gang Nao Mai - spicy bamboo soup... mm.. You and your dad love them. I gave a lot of fishes to our family member and my friends.  The female are having eggs in their stomach..mmm. I like fry fish eggs, it have a nutty taste to it. At first Wadee doesn't wanted to try, but after I make her try a little piece of it with rice, then she ate most of the fish egg on the plate ; p   At the end, the fishes is completely clean, we waist nothing, only the head and the bones left.  Another day another meal. Thanks be to God. Tomorrow is another day to think...what to cook?????

We have some left over foods from last nigth...from the left to the right are; grill chicken lab (chicken spicy salad), bamboo soup (gang nor maai), mustard green with pork ribs soup(tom guchi), stir fry spicy chicken with sacred basil or holy basil leaves and last fry fishes with garlic dip with spicy and sour dipping sauce. 

Wow!!!!  49 big white perch in this cooler.....
getting ready to clean....this is just a part of it..still some more in the cooler..

We gave a lot away to my sister in law...she was so happy....female fishes are full of egg right now...

Fry fishes with garlic, our favorite.

dehydrated fish
quick fry in medium heat before eat
this is the spicy dry fish a new recipe that I came up with...Ned favorites

Sweet and little salty dry fishes...Suchol favorites

Dora was so happy that she get to goes fishing with Suchol last night

Dear Lord, we thank you for a good fishing last night that the cooler are full with nice size fishes that we able to share with friends and family. Thank you for all of the fishes in the water and thank you for the times well spent in my husband life to feed his family with healthy meat..I'm glad that he is enjoy fishing now. With all  my grateful heart to You. 

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